Putin Announces Arrest of Attackers

In a national broadcast on Saturday, March 23rd, Russia’s President, Vladimir Putin, announced the arrest of 11 individuals linked to a violent shooting at a well-known concert location in Moscow that resulted in the death of at least 133 people.

Among those detained are the four attackers who unleashed gunfire. Putin suggested the attackers were attempting to flee to Ukraine, claiming Ukraine had facilitated their escape, an allegation Ukrainian authorities have vehemently denied.

The attackers targeted Crocus City Hall, a vast complex for shopping and entertainment situated on the outskirts of Moscow, on Friday night. The venue was set ablaze during the assault, which came shortly after warnings from the U.S. about a potential terrorist attack in the Russian capital.

The Russian Investigative Committee reported additional casualties found at the scene on Saturday, predicting an increase in the death toll. With 16 of the 107 hospitalized victims in critical condition and 44 in serious condition, the situation remains dire.

During his address, Putin condemned the assault as a premeditated massacre of unarmed civilians, promising immediate retribution against those behind this act of terror, likening their actions to historical atrocities. He assured that all involved in orchestrating and carrying out the attack would face severe punishment.

ISIS Has Claimed Responsibility


The Islamic State has claimed responsibility for this act, marking it among the deadliest attacks in Russia’s recent history. The U.S. has indirectly supported this claim, according to a confidential source.

Investigations are ongoing, with the cause of death primarily attributed to gunshot wounds and smoke inhalation. As of Saturday afternoon, the identities of 41 victims have been confirmed, mainly individuals aged between 30 and 60.

Reports from a Telegram channel linked to Russian security forces revealed a grim scene with multiple victims found in a bathroom and stairwell, suggesting a desperate attempt to hide from the attackers.

The incident underscores Russia’s vulnerability to terrorist threats, occurring shortly after Putin secured another term in office amidst the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.

Putin’s first public response since the attack included a message of recovery to the victims and gratitude towards medical staff. Additionally, discussions with Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko emphasized a united front against terrorism, with Lukashenko expressing his condolences.

The US Alerted Russia of Potential Attack

The U.S. had previously alerted its citizens in Russia to a potential terrorist threat based on intelligence about the Islamic State’s activities. Ukrainian officials have denied involvement in the incident, attributing the accusations to a strategy to justify further aggression.

The attack not only highlights the tense geopolitical climate but also the tragic loss of life, prompting widespread mourning and a national day of reflection set by Putin for Sunday.