Hello Team Room, and thanks for your patience as we worked and continue to work through this little upgrade. By now I hope you’re all able to login to the site ok and find your way around. We’ve got everything working – content, radio, TV, Forums and Shoutbox – but I know that I can’t even access Shoutbox yet because, honestly, we forgot to give ourselves access!

There’s one problem that we are working on: currently, the SOFREP homepage is not accessible because it’s redirecting to the Team Room homepage. We’ll fix it this evening.

We’re here digging through a ton of Support issues and I know some of you have questions, so I’d like to as for your help. Please take a few moments to let us know the answers we need to provide to you on a Support FAQ/Knowledgebase – questions about changing credit cards, recovering your password, and stuff like that. If you can send me your general questions I’ll see to it that we have an outstanding and complete knowledgebase so you can get your answers without waiting for us. (But we are of course ALWAYS HAPPY to help you out individually and just as quickly as possible!)

Let SOFREP Know what we need to tell you.
If you have specific questions that you need help on, please use the Team Room support form.
– Charlie