Most people know that Robert E. Lee served in the United States Army with distinction, especially during the Mexican-American War. Yet, many do not know that Lee played a major role in putting down a rebellion against the United States just prior to the Civil War. 

On October 16, 1859, the abolitionist John Brown and a group of over 20 men, raided the U.S. Arsenal at Harpers Ferry, Virginia (now West Virginia). They were attempting to start a slave uprising and destroy slavery in the United States.

Brown’s audacious plan was doomed to failure from the outset. While most people north of the Mason-Dixon line had generally approved of what Brown’s ultimate goal was, even the most fervent abolitionists felt it was foolhardy at best. It was indicative of how far the country had drifted apart and had become hopelessly divided. Brown would be hung for his actions but the country would soon be drawn into a bloody civil war. Brown’s aim of stopping slavery would become a reality just a few years and about 620,000 deaths later. 

Brown had struggled financially throughout his life and had had numerous lawsuits taken out against him. But his entire life was altered after he attended an anti-slavery meeting in 1842. The thought of ending the practice of slavery would consume the rest of his days. Reportedly, he planned on conducting a slave insurrection as early as 1848.

Brown went from talking to doing. After moving to the border state of Kansas, Brown, his sons and others retaliated for a pro-slavery raid in Lawrence, Kansas. Looking for blood, Brown and his men crossed the Pottawatomie Creek and attacked three family cabins, murdering five men with swords. These actions kicked off a summer of guerrilla-style attacks that would foretell what was to come. 

Brown went east and received financial support from fervent abolitionists who supplied him and his 22-man assault team with 198 breech-loading .52 caliber Sharps carbines and 950 pikes. Brown and his sons rented a small farm four miles away in Dargan, Maryland in the name of Isaac Smith. There, they began to prepare. Brown even tried to recruit Frederick Douglass as a liaison with the slaves they hoped to free and arm. Douglass declined, believing that Brown was making a futile attempt. According to Douglass, Brown’s plan was “an attack on the federal government” that “would array the whole country against us.” “You will never get out alive,” he said to Brown.

The federal arsenal, one of six for the United States Army, contained about 100,000 muskets and rifles. Brown’s plan was to raid it and use its weapons to lead an uprising of the area’s slaves. Then, his goal was to lead them into Tennessee or perhaps all the way to Alabama.

The small Dargan farmhouse was crowded and the men kept indoors during daylight hours. His daughter and daughter-in-law would cook and keep watch. The men would only leave the house in darkness to drill. He was convinced the slaves would flock to his banner and fight the slaveholders of the area. (He believed that up to 250 slaves would join his forces.) He was wrong.