A squadron of advanced Russian warships, including the nuclear-powered submarine Kazan, has stirred international attention after concluding missile drills in the Atlantic Ocean and arriving in Havana, Cuba.

The drills, meticulously monitored by the United States, unfold against the backdrop of the ongoing war in Ukraine, further straining relations between Russia and the West.

The Kazan, a Yasen-M class submarine, represents the cutting edge of Russia’s underwater arsenal. These vessels boast exceptional stealth and maneuverability, making them incredibly difficult to detect and track.

According to the Russian Ministry of Defence (MoD), the Kazan and its companion, the Admiral Gorshkov frigate, conducted simulated missile strikes against targets over 600 kilometers (373 miles) away, showcasing their long-range offensive capabilities.

Additionally, the Admiral Gorshkov flexed its defensive muscles with drills repelling simulated air attacks, the Russian MoD said in a statement on Tuesday, June 11.

While the Pentagon officially downplayed the immediate threat posed by the drills, as reported by USNI News, a spokesperson acknowledged their broader significance:

“These actions will likely culminate in a global Russian naval exercise this fall,” the statement read.

This suggests the drills might be a prelude to a larger display of naval might by Russia.