This is the fourth in a series of posts regarding three Russian hypersonic missiles. The first post covered the concept of Circular Error Probable (CEP), a metric of accuracy. The second post covered the ground-launched Iskander short-range ballistic missile. Our last post covered the air-launched Kinzhal missile. The Zircon (Tsirkon), a hypersonic naval cruise missile, will be covered in this post.

The Zircon (Tsirkon)

The 3M22 Zircon (Tsirkon) is an air- or sea-launched, scramjet-propelled cruise missile. Like the Iskander and the Kinzhal, it is capable of carrying both conventional and nuclear warheads. The Zircon was originally conceived as a naval carrier-killer. It is meant to be deployed on both surface warships and submarines to attack aircraft carrier strike groups.

Unlike the Iskander and Kinzhal, which are propelled by a solid-fuel rocket, the Zircon is scramjet-propelled. It has a jet engine that relies on forward motion to drive air into the combustion chamber, at supersonic speed, and mix it with fuel for ignition. The platform must be supersonic for the scramjet to operate. The Zircon is therefore launched with a solid-fuel booster that accelerates it to supersonic speed so the scramjet can take over.

The Iskander and Kinzhal both have cylindrical bodies with an empennage. In some configurations, they have fold-out wings. The Zircon has a flat appearance because its fuselage is designed to provide lift, like a small airplane.

Figure 1. Russian Navy photo of Zircon launch from VLS system

The dimensions of the VLS tubes in Figure 1 allow analysts to deduce the dimensions of the Zircon. Its configuration, shown in Figure 2, is based on information collected from various sources in the Russian Federation and India. The two countries have formed a joint venture, and the Indian version of the Zircon is designated Brahmos II.

Figure 2. The Zircon cruise missile showing scramjet air intake and lifting body

Inspection of Figure 2 shows the air-breathing intake and the flat configuration of the lifting body. The sea-launched variant has been reported to reach speeds of Mach 7 to 9 and has accurately struck test targets at a range of 500km in cruise-missile configuration. When launched on a semi-ballistic trajectory, ranges of close to 750km have been documented. Ranges quoted in excess of 1,000km may be aspirational or associated with an air-launched platform.

Figure 3 makes a clear distinction between the solid-fuel rocket booster in blue-gray and the scramjet-propelled cruise missile in white. The air intake is chin-mounted below the lifting body.

Figure 3. Zircon rocket booster (blue-gray) and cruise missile (white)

A model of the Brahmos II, the Indian version of the Zircon, is shown in Figure 4. Information about the Zircon’s accuracy remains difficult to obtain. Guidance is almost certainly the subject of negotiation between Russian and Indian parties. The Indians claim Brahmos II will have similar characteristics to Zircon, but the Russians are controlling the release of the technology, and they are in the driver’s seat.

Figure 4. Model of Brahmos II, a product of Russia-India joint venture

This animation shows Brahmos II discarding the booster stage:

The fact that Russia and India are cooperating on the development of advanced hypersonic missiles should give analysts pause. Russia is maintaining control, however, and the Brahmos II will not be exported. It will be reserved for the Russian and Indian militaries. The following video discusses the Brahmos II project:

The Zircon first made the news in 2017. After testing, it was introduced to the Black Sea fleet at the end of 2022. Contracts were signed for industrial production.

With its explosive warhead, the Zircon is lethal against aircraft carriers. Twice as heavy as the Tomahawk and twelve times faster, the Zircon delivers enormous kinetic energy upon impact. The kinetic energy of a Zircon strike is so great that the warhead does not need to explode to destroy smaller surface combatants.

The Zircon is also effective in land-attack mode. It has recently seen combat in Ukraine, where it has proven impossible to shoot down.

This video gives an overview of the Zircon. The reader should keep in mind that information on the Zircon and Brahmos II is tightly controlled.

For reference, here are links to earlier posts in the series:





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Editor’s Note:  All of us here at SOFREP are big Cameron Curtis fans. Be sure to check out his Breed series of thrillers. Once you pick one up, you won’t want to put it back down. — GDM