Russia has recalled its ambassador to NATO, Col. Gen. Valery Yevnevich, for consultation this Thursday, only two days after NATO suspended their cooperation with Russia over the current Ukraine crisis.

Russian Deputy Defence Minister Anatoly Antonov is openly accusing NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen of creating tension through statements at the Meeting of NATO Foreign Minister earlier this week. He is also questioning the reasons why NATO would strengthen their presence in Eastern Europe.

In fact, Russia demanded answers from NATO regarding the possible deployment of soldiers in Eastern Europe, after the Western alliance said they would bolster their defense for their Eastern members.

The Baltics States, who are members of NATO alongside Poland and Romania, are showing great concern about the recent events in Crimea. AWACs, fighter jets and warships were sent to the area to reassure those countries of the continued support of NATO.

The NATO Foreign Ministers agreed on drawing up plans to reinforce their defense against a growing Russian threat to Eastern Europe. There was talk about the possibility of sending soldiers and equipment to allies in Eastern Europe, hold more multinational exercises in the area and enable the fast deployment of the rapid-reaction force if an Article 5 is called.

With more than 40,000 troops massed near the Ukrainian border, Russia could begin rolling into Ukraine within only 12 hours of being issued the order, according NATO Supreme Allied Commander, US Air Force General Philip Breedlove.

NATO Supreme Commander, General Philip Breedlove. Courtesy of Reuters.
NATO Supreme Commander, General Philip Breedlove. Courtesy of Reuters.

General Breedlove, in an interview on CNN, clearly stated that Russia has everything ready to conduct a full scale military incursion into Ukraine.

“This is a combined-arms army, with all of the pieces necessary should there be a choice to make an incursion into Ukraine,” he said.