Saudi Arabian-led coalition fighter jets conducted 14 different airstrikes in Yemen early on Sunday. They targeted barracks and military sites of the armed Houthi movement in the Yemeni capital Sanaa, the Saudi-owned al-Arabiya news channel reported.

Among the targets was the former command center for the Republican Guard located south of Sanaa and a maintenance camp that Iranian-led militias use to produce, develop, and manufacture weapons. The coalition also destroyed four Iranian-backed Houthi drones at al-Dulami air base north of Sanaa, al-Arabiya said, quoting local sources.

The Houthi militia’s al-Masirah TV channel likewise reported the airstrikes.

The Saudi-led coalition has not given any official confirmation of the attacks. However, these latest airstrikes follow attacks, which were conducted on Saturday, against two missile and drone depots sites in Sanaa.

Saturday’s strikes followed a Houthi claim that it had attacked an “important target” in the Saudi capital Riyadh on Thursday using a ballistic missile and drones. The Houthis’ military spokesman, Yahya Sarea, had released a statement on Twitter claiming that Houthi missiles and drones had hit “military and sensitive objects” at the Abha international airport. 

The coalition did not confirm an attack on Riyadh but said it had intercepted and destroyed ballistic missiles and explosive drones launched towards the kingdom on Thursday. According to Saudi news sources, Houthi rebels conducted five drone attacks against the kingdom this week.

“The Joint Forces Command of the Coalition has intercepted and destroyed a number of ballistic missiles and booby-trapped drones launched by the Iranian-backed terrorist Houthi militia towards the Kingdom to target civilians and civilian objects,” a statement on the Saudi Press Agency read.

The frequency of bombings in Sanaa has decreased since September of last year when Saudi Arabia launched indirect talks with the Iranian-backed Houthi movement. The two parties have been at war since 2015.