Hi Everyone!

First want to give a big thanks to all who participated this weekend; hope it was a fun addition to your Saturday. Also want to say thank you and give a shout out to Eric Graves over at Soldier Systems Daily for contributing to the hunt! You guys are awesome.

Here are the three winners:

First Place: Michael Truong

Second Place: Steve Burke

Third Place: Sean Lopez

Congratulations! These guys got their answers in the fastest and didn’t miss one question.

Here is an honorable mention to our top ten runner ups:

Brian C

Michael Douglas

Deb Kendon

Kevin Warner

Adrian Sodrel

Austin Parker

Ethan Chang

Ben Hodge

J. Asarisi

Vanessa Asarisi

We’ll contact the winners to discuss shipping and prize arrangements in the next couple of days.

Thanks again for playing, and keep an eye out for more to come–we plan to do one at least once a month just keep to things interesting and keep you all on your toes.
