Karen Pence, wife of American Vice President Mike Pence and mother of a United States Marine, met with three dozen women on Thursday to honor them for their service and their sacrifices in the United States military as a part of scheduled events for Women’s History Month.

“We just wanted to say ‘thank you,'” she said from her residence, where she hosted the event. “I get choked up because I am a military mom. I’ve got my ‘mom pin’ on.”

During her remarks, Mrs. Pence recounted a meeting she had with female service members at Fort Meade in Maryland earlier in the week, where she learned more about the unique challenges faced by women in uniform.

“They shared with me some of the reasons why they went into the military. They shared with me some of the things they love about being in the military [and] some of the struggles of being a woman in the military. We just had a great visit,” she said.

Mrs. Pence also made it a point to ensure members from the Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, and Coast Guard were all represented for their meeting, as it was important to her that she honor the full “range of women who serve.”

“I think a lot of times, people in the military—men and women—aren’t told enough how much we appreciate you,” she said. “It’s not an easy place to be where you are, and I think we’re learning that more and more in the position that we’re in.”

According to Pence, she was asked by Melania Trump, President Trump’s wife, to plan something for Women’s History Month, and she immediately knew that she’d like it to revolve around female service members.

The decision to honor female members of America’s military was a timely one, as the Marine Corps was rocked by scandal in recent weeks due to a secret Facebook group sharing nude photos of female service members and veterans, bringing with it reports of similar practices ongoing in other branches of service. The Facebook group, called Marines United, has once again brought concerns about women in the military to the forefront of conversation, particularly amid ongoing efforts to integrate females into combat occupational specialties.