From an email I received 14 June 2013 due to my past tuition assistance.

Effective immediately, GoArmyEd will apply the Army Personnel Fitness Test (APFT) and Army Weight Control Program (AWCP) Flags to all TA Eligible Soldier accounts, regardless of component. Holds will be applied and removed as the information is received in GoArmyEd from the Integrated Total Army Personnel Data Base (ITAPDB) during the nightly update. Active duty and National Guard Soldiers with a current APFT/AWCP Flag in their ITAPDB record will see their GoArmyEd record go on hold within the next few days.

Thank you, Army, for finally enforcing something that will make our military better. I have spoken many times before about my belief in a physically fit soldier. I completely and absolutely stand by this decision.

If you cannot pass the basic 60% of 42 push-ups, 53 sit-ups, and a 15:54 run in the 17-21 year-old age category, or any age category for that matter, you should not be allowed to wear a uniform, let alone get Federal Tuition Assistance from my hard earned tax dollars.

This action by the Army will not only save the military millions of dollars, but also will hopefully motivate some of the “I’m just here for the college money” turds, and prevent them from developing diabetes at the ripe age of 32.

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