
In recent events surrounding the Gaza Strip, multiple developments have evolved involving Israeli and Palestinian forces. Here is what we have to date. 

Gaza war map
Graphics used with permission from The Institute for the Study of War.

Israeli Military Activities

The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), specifically the 36th and 162nd Divisions, have intensified their operations in Gaza City, focusing on areas like Zaitoun, Jabalia, Sheikh Ijleen, and Rimal. They are encountering resistance from Hamas, particularly in neighborhoods like Jabalia, where Hamas has a significant presence.

Palestinian Militias’ Response

Palestinian militias, including the al Quds Brigades of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) and the al Qassem Brigades of Hamas, have actively engaged Israeli forces. Their tactics include using anti-tank rockets, RPGs, and small arms. They have mainly targeted Israeli advancements in Gaza City’s neighborhoods.

Civilian Evacuations and Humanitarian Efforts

The IDF has advised civilians in specific Gaza City neighborhoods to evacuate, presumably to minimize civilian casualties. Additionally, Israel has taken steps to provide humanitarian aid, such as supplying water and food to al Shifa Hospital, a key medical facility in the region.

Clashes and Resistance Tactics

Significant clashes have been reported near vital locations like al Shifa Hospital. Palestinian militias are employing guerrilla warfare tactics, striking Israeli forces behind their forward lines and claiming to have destroyed Israeli tanks in areas like Beit Hanoun.

Israeli Strategy and Objectives

 The overarching strategy of the IDF seems to be clearing Hamas personnel and infrastructure from key areas in Gaza City while also attempting to provide humanitarian support and establish evacuation corridors for civilians.

Impact on IDF

The ongoing operations and resistance from Palestinian militias are likely affecting the material resources and morale of the IDF forces engaged in and around the Gaza Strip. The full extent of that impact cannot at this time be quantified. 

This situation remains dynamic, with both sides actively engaged in military operations and tactics evolving in response to the changing conditions on the ground.


The West Bank

Recent events in the West Bank have escalated tensions between Israeli and Palestinian forces. In a significant operation, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), collaborating with Shin Bet, targeted a facility in the Balata refugee camp, believed to be a base for Palestinian militia operations. This drone attack resulted in the elimination of a key terrorist known for his involvement in recruitment and the creation of explosives. This individual was also linked to various attacks on the IDF.

The IDF’s operation successfully dismantled an explosives production site, further crippling the militant capabilities in the area. In response, there were numerous confrontations, with Palestinian combatants employing both firearms and improvised explosive devices (IEDs) against Israeli troops. These incidents predominantly took place near major urban centers such as Nablus, Jenin, Tubas, and Jericho, but no specific group has taken responsibility for these acts.

Amidst these developments, Hamas, a key player in the region, has openly lauded the efforts of the Palestinian terrorists in the West Bank, urging them to intensify their actions. This stance was prominently echoed by a spokesperson for the al Qassem Brigades, who voiced support for ongoing confrontations with Israeli forces. Furthermore, during a Hamas-organized press conference, calls were made for sustained and increased attacks, aligning with their ongoing strategy of resistance in the West Bank. This message was widely disseminated, including through public address systems in areas like Beita, near Nablus.

West Bank Battle Map
Graphics used with permission from The Institute for the Study of War.


The Golan Heights and Southern Lebanon

The Axis of Resistance’s strategic goals include diverting Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) towards Israel’s northern regions, holding them there to pave the way for further operations in the area. Recently, militants supported by Iran, notably the Lebanese Hezbollah (LH), have executed 13 incursions into Israel’s north as of November 18. These attacks by LH involved the use of rockets, anti-tank weapons, and small firearms aimed at Israeli military personnel and infrastructure.

In response to these provocations, the IDF reported that its air defense units effectively neutralized a missile fired from Lebanon aimed at an Israeli drone. On the other side, LH claimed responsibility for shooting down an Israeli Hermes 450 UAV, a versatile combat drone, using a missile on November 18. They also released supposed footage of this event. However, the provided evidence does not conclusively prove their claim of downing the drone. In retaliation, Israel targeted and demolished a sophisticated missile system in Lebanon, which was presumably used for the attack.

Northern Israel Battle Map November 18,2023
Graphics used with permission from The Institute for the Study of War.

The Axis of Resistance and Iran

Iran and the so-called “Axis of Resistance” have been actively demonstrating their ability and readiness to escalate conflicts with the United States and Israel across various fronts. This coalition, including Iran and allied groups, aims to prepare for a potential multi-front regional conflict.

Recently, the Islamic Resistance in Iraq, comprising Iranian-supported Iraqi militias, claimed responsibility for a drone strike on the U.S. forces stationed at the al Tanf garrison in southeastern Syria on November 18. This incident is reportedly the eighth such attack on this location since tensions between Israel and Hamas escalated.

Regional Battle Map Draft November 18,2023
Graphics used with permission from The Institute for the Study of War.

The Dhaferin Group, part of the Islamic Resistance in Iraq, started on November 17, threatening additional assaults on U.S. military positions in the Middle East. This group has a history of menacing the United States and carried out mortar attacks on U.S. bases in Iraq on November 5 and 8. The same statement lauded the actions of Iranian-backed Iraqi militias like Kataib Hezbollah (KH) and Kataib Seyyed al Shohada (KSS) against U.S. bases in the region. The United States had recently sanctioned KSS and individuals connected with KH and KSS for their roles in attacks against U.S. bases.

On another front, Iranian Defense and Armed Forces Logistics Minister Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Gharaei Ashtiani commented on November 18, emphasizing the Axis of Resistance’s perceived success in destabilizing and isolating Israel, especially since Hamas’ attack on October 7. Ashtiani attributed a decline in Jewish migration to Israel to economic, political, and security issues created by the conflict. He also claimed that the war had sparked global anti-Israel sentiment and weakened the Israeli government’s credibility.

Ashtiani pointed out Israel’s military and intelligence shortcomings since October 7 as lessons for future confrontations. This statement aligns with the broader Iranian strategy aimed at internationally isolating and eventually dismantling the Israeli state, as echoed by IRGC Commander Major General Hossein Salami, who has called for actions by Lebanese Hezbollah and Palestinian militias to destabilize Israel and induce internal displacement.

Ashtiani’s role in the Iranian regime amplifies the significance of his statements. Before becoming the defense minister, he served on the Armed Forces General Staff from 2019 to 2021. The defense minister’s role in Iran often leads to more influential positions, with many former defense ministers serving as advisors to the supreme leader.