The more things change, the more they stay the same.  The War on Terror is winding down, or so we are told, with all but a token force left behind in Iraq and a phased withdrawal set to begin in Afghanistan soon.  Interestingly, the war seems to be expanding outwards in all directions with covert and other low visibility operations in Yemen, Somalia, Libya, Colombia, the Philippines, and beyond.  That’s not even taking into account the constellation of drone bases being established throughout the Middle East and Africa.

Africa and The Great Game:

The Chinese have been making serious inroads in Africa over the last few decades with billions in investments.  China has approached many African nations and offered them a better deal than the United States.  They stay out of African internal politics and offer military aide and infrastructure support in exchange for access to natural resources.  As we know, Sub-Saharan Africa has large deposits of rare earth minerals needed in the manufacture of electronics as well as the natural gas and oil fields off the coast of Mozambique and Libya respectively.

Over the years, Western organizations like the IMF and the World Bank haven’t exactly made a good name for themselves in Africa.  By all accounts they’ve raped many third world countries and have no success stories to their credit.  At the same time, direct military intervention by America seems unrealistic, especially coming off of over a decade of war in the Middle East.  So how does the West intend to counter Chinese influence in Africa?

Time to do some corporate branding!

But first a word from our sponsors:

Let’s wind back the clock a bit.  On October 12th, 2011 the Obama administration announced that they would be deploying 100 combat troops to Uganda with all the mandatory euphemisms to indicate that the objective was the capture or kill Joseph Kony.  Without a doubt Kony is a giant dirtbag, but he’s a minor dirtbag.  Kony was never really a regional much less a global player.  Some of my acquaintances are old hands in the region, being Africans themselves who served in Rhodesia, South Africa, Angola, and elsewhere.  They tell me that Kony is just some old asshole hiding out in the jungle and is liable to keel over from some tropical disease any day now.  Hardly the menacing Osama Bin Laden-type boogyman of the African continent that we’ve been told he is.