Today’s SOF “Pic of the Day” highlights members of the Italian Gruppo di Intervento Speciale (GIS). This photo was taken near Herat, Afghanistan, in November 2011, over a decade ago. My, how time flies. These gentlemen were likely members of Task Force 45 (TF-45), operating as part of Operation Sarissa and part of the International Security Assistance Task Force (ISAF).

The existence of the task force was considered to be confidential, and their numbers were not considered when looking at the overall contingent of Italian soldiers in the country at the time, 2011. However, educated estimations put their numbers at somewhere around 200.

Italian SOF Fact of the Day: A “Sarissa,” after which the operation was named, was a type of wooden battle spear used by the Macedonians.

Bonus Italian SOF Fact of the Day: TF-45 was the largest special forces unit fielded by Italy since that used in Operation Ibis in 1992-1994 in Somalia.

Inside the Italian Gruppo di Intervento Speciale (GIS)


In the shadowy world of counter-terrorism and high-stakes law enforcement, few units command as much respect as Italy’s Gruppo di Intervento Speciale (GIS). An elite Special Forces unit of the Carabinieri, Italy’s gendarmerie, the GIS stands at the forefront of Italy’s response to domestic and international security threats. This article delves into the formation, capabilities, and critical role of GIS in global security operations.

Formation and Historical Context

Established in 1978, the GIS was Italy’s answer to a growing tide of domestic terrorism during the tumultuous “Years of Lead.” These years were marked by widespread violence, primarily from extremist factions on both the left and right. The GIS was formed to provide a rapid and effective response to this new kind of threat. Over the years, its mandate has expanded, evolving with the shifting landscape of global terrorism and organized crime.

Organizational Structure

As an integral part of the Carabinieri, the GIS benefits from a unique position within Italy’s military and law enforcement framework. It operates under a centralized command, enabling swift action and efficient coordination with other national and international agencies. This structure is pivotal for a unit tasked with addressing high-risk situations where every second counts.

Rigorous Training Regimen

The path to becoming a GIS operator is arduous and highly selective. Candidates undergo a grueling selection process, followed by intense training designed to test and enhance their physical, tactical, and psychological resilience.

  1. Selection and Training: The selection process is notoriously rigorous, testing physical fitness, mental toughness, and technical skills. Following selection, the training encompasses advanced combat shooting, tactical driving, parachuting, combat diving, and language proficiency.
  2. Continuous Skill Development: GIS operators are trained in various specialized fields, such as bomb disposal, electronic surveillance, and advanced medical aid. This diverse training ensures they can adapt to a myriad of operational scenarios.

State-of-the-Art Equipment

GIS operators are outfitted with some of the most advanced military gear and weaponry available. This includes a wide range of firearms, tactical body armor, communication systems, night vision technology, and specialized vehicles. The selection of equipment is meticulously tailored to the specifics of their missions.

Operational Capabilities and Notable Missions

The primary role of GIS is counter-terrorism, including hostage rescue operations, handling hijacking situations, and executing raids against heavily armed criminals. Their operational history is dotted with successful missions, showcasing their capability to handle complex and high-pressure situations.

  1. Domestic Operations: Within Italy, the GIS has been instrumental in thwarting several potential terrorist attacks, showcasing their effectiveness in domestic security.
  2. International Role: On the international stage, the GIS has participated in various peacekeeping and security operations, often working alongside NATO and other allied forces.

International Cooperation and Training

The GIS maintains a robust profile in the international special operations community. They regularly engage in joint training exercises with foreign counterparts, such as the British SAS, American Delta Force, and German GSG 9. These collaborations are crucial for sharing tactics, techniques, and experiences, ensuring that the GIS remains at the cutting edge of counter-terrorism and special operations tactics.

Public Perception and Media Representation

In Italy, the GIS is held in high esteem a symbol of professionalism and dedication. Their portrayal in media, though limited due to the secretive nature of their operations, often highlights their elite status and critical role in national security. This public image is a mix of respect, intrigue, and pride in their capabilities and achievements.

Challenges and Future Outlook

As security threats evolve, so does the GIS. The unit faces the challenge of staying ahead of emerging threats, including cyber-terrorism and the increasing sophistication of terrorist organizations. This requires ongoing investment in new technologies, continuous updating of training protocols, and maintaining stringent recruitment standards.


The GIS’s journey from a specialized counter-terrorism unit to a versatile tool in Italy’s security arsenal is a testament to its adaptability, professionalism, and effectiveness. In an era where security challenges are increasingly complex and unpredictable, the GIS stands as a bulwark against threats to national and international peace and stability. Their story is one of relentless evolution, unyielding dedication, and a deep commitment to safeguarding society against its gravest threats.