Our SOF Pic of the Day features Team Alpha, the 8-man group of CIA officers inserted on 17 October 2001 into a mountainous region in northern Afghanistan.  Mike Spann, the first American to die in Afghanistan post 9/11 as part of what would become the global war on terror (GWOT), is seen in the back row of the image to the far right.  The image was made available courtesy of Toby Harnden.

At the time of his death, Mike was at the fortress of Qali-Jangi in Mazar-e Sharif. Numerous Taliban prisoners had supposedly surrendered and were being held captive there.  While Mike was conducting an interview with one of the captives, a massive uprising occurred involving hundreds of prisoners. Spann was killed in the attack, but before that happened, his final act was warning a fellow Agency officer of the danger, thus allowing him to get to safety.

Please watch this brief YouTube video to find out more.