In today’s rather unusual-looking Pic of the Day, we look at the Danish Frømandskorpset.

The Danish Frømandskorpset, or Frogman Corps, is one of the world’s most elite special operations units. This highly trained group of warriors embodies the pinnacle of military excellence, showcasing Denmark’s commitment to defending its interests and contributing to global security.

Origins and History

The Frømandskorpset was established in 1957, inspired by the success of similar units like the British Special Boat Service (SBS) and the United States Navy SEALs. Its inception was part of a broader post-World War II movement towards creating specialized forces capable of performing high-risk, unconventional warfare missions. The unit’s founding members were drawn from the Danish Navy and underwent rigorous training to mold them into formidable combat divers.

Training and Selection

The selection process for the Frømandskorpset is renowned for its difficulty and intensity. Candidates must endure an initial screening phase that tests their physical and mental endurance, swimming capabilities, and overall resilience. Those who pass this grueling phase enter a training program that lasts around nine months.

Training includes:

  • Combat Diving: Mastery of underwater navigation, demolition, and stealth operations.
  • Land Warfare: Skills in reconnaissance, direct action, and survival in various environments.
  • Airborne Operations: Parachuting techniques and the ability to insert and extract from hostile areas.
  • Specialized Skills: Advanced medical training, explosive ordnance disposal, and proficiency with a wide array of weaponry.

Only a fraction of the candidates who begin training will earn the coveted Frogman badge, symbolizing their acceptance into this elite brotherhood.

Danish frogmen exit a helicopter off the coast of Africa in search of pirates.

Mission and Operations

The primary mission of the Frømandskorpset is to conduct maritime special operations. However, their capabilities extend far beyond the sea. They are equipped to handle a variety of high-stakes scenarios, including: