Tier One

The Israeli General Staff’s Reconnaissance Unit, also recognized by its previous designations Unit 269 or Unit 262 and more popularly known as Sayeret Matkal (Hebrew: סיירת מטכ”ל), holds a most distinguished position within Israel’s special forces community. One could argue that they are the Delta Force of the Israeli armed forces.

Primarily, this unit is devoted to executing field intelligence collection, venturing behind enemy lines to acquire vital strategic intelligence. However, the scope of Sayeret Matkal extends to a broad range of largely covert special operations. These encompass black operations, combat search and rescue missions, counterterrorism activities, hostage rescue operations, human intelligence (HUMINT) gathering, irregular warfare tactics, long-distance penetration into hostile territories, manhunts, and specialized reconnaissance and operations beyond the national boundaries of Israel.

SAS Heritage

Drawing its inspiration and operational ethos from the UK’s Special Air Service (SAS), Sayeret Matkal adopted the motto “Who Dares Wins,” symbolizing a shared legacy of daring and precision in special operations. This alignment signifies Sayeret Matkal’s position as Israel’s counterpart to the SAS. Operational control of Sayeret Matkal is vested under the Special Operations Division within the Military Intelligence Directorate of the Israel Defense Forces, reflecting its integral role in intelligence collection and special operations execution.

Israeli Tier 1
סיירת מטכ”ל at work. Image Credit: The Mirror US

Filling a Void

In 1954, the dissolution of Israel’s initial special ops unit, Unit 101, left a gap in its military apparatus, with Shayetet 13 being the only special-forces unit, albeit with a naval focus. In 1957, Major Avraham Arnan, inspired by his diverse background, proposed to the IDF General Staff the establishment of a unit capable of executing covert intelligence missions in enemy territories. Supported by prominent figures like David Ben-Gurion and Yitzhak Rabin, Arnan envisioned a unit composed of Israel’s most capable youth selected for their physical and intellectual prowess.

Unit Symbol
The Sayeret Matkal unit symbol.

Initially, this unit was a part of Aman’s Unit 154 (later known as Unit 504). However, it soon started functioning independently as the General Staff’s special operations force, taking cues from the British Special Air Service. Training included learning from Bedouin trackers to understand adversaries better. The unit, Sayeret Matkal, was conceived to execute strategic intel-gathering and other critical operations, with its directives coming solely from the General Staff. It also took on the role of assessing new military weaponry and strategies, impacting the IDF at large.

Sayeret Matkal first sprung into action in Lebanon in May 1962, undertaking its first operation. Its success laid the foundation for subsequent missions, including in Syria later that year. In the lead-up to the Six-Day War, the unit undertook various intel-gathering missions in Sinai. However, it didn’t participate in the war due to extensive prep requirements for its operations. However, it played a significant role in the subsequent War of Attrition.
The rise of Arab terrorism post-1967 led Sayeret Matkal to pioneer counterterrorism and hostage rescue techniques. Notable operations included Operation Isotope and, later, following the Munich massacre, Operation Wrath of God pitting them against the Palestine Liberation Organization in Lebanon.

The Yom Kippur War in 1973 shifted the unit’s role, with military leaders having differing opinions as to how they could best be utilized. Following that conflict, proactive planning was adopted to ensure immediate action when necessary. After all, what good is a unit like this if they are not ready to go at a moment’s notice? Lesson learned.  Cooperation with the Israeli Air Force was enhanced, evolving into the creation of the Shaldag Unit.

A dark period fell upon the unit in 1974 with the Ma’alot massacre during a failed rescue attempt. This event led to the birth of Yamam for domestic counterterrorism, while Sayeret Matkal focused on foreign missions. The group achieved legendary status with the successful Operation Entebbe in 1976, despite some casualties, including the unit’s commander, Lieutenant Colonel Yonatan Netanyahu.

Over the years, Sayeret Matkal significantly impacted IDF’s methods and weaponry, introducing innovative techniques like helicopter infiltration and promoting modifications to the Uzi submachine gun. Recognized for its contribution during Operation Protective Edge in 2015, the unit continues to evolve.

Present Day

In a groundbreaking move in September 2023, the IDF unveiled a pilot program inviting female recruits to join Sayeret Matkal, set to commence in November 2024. Thus far in the Israel-Hamas war, the unit has been involved in numerous firefights, losing at least 11 soldiers and gearing up for a hostage rescue mission to confront Hamas.

They sit poised to collaborate with other special operations forces, such as Yamam, and international allies like the US if the green light is given for a hostage rescue mission.

The larger scale of the Israeli ground invasion allows special operations units like Sayeret Matkal to focus on tasks like hostage rescue while the main force of Hamas is busy fighting off the larger Israeli force.

The journey of Sayeret Matkal, from filling a military void to becoming a linchpin of Israel’s defense framework, embodies resilience and innovation. As it navigates through the challenges of the current Israel-Hamas conflict, its legacy continues to be a testament to Israel’s steadfast pursuit of security. The unit’s adaptability and precision in operations underscore its crucial role in modern warfare.