Last year I had the honor to visit Poland and our SOF GROM teammates with my friend Drago. The GROM Commander, and the unit themselves, were amazing hosts. Thank you to GROM, “Naval” for coordinating,  the folks at the Warsaw Uprising Museum, and most importantly the great people of Poland.

The documentary took a while because of  the clearance from Poland and our own issues at home, but it’s here and I hope you enjoy, and please share it with people. The GROM have been pulling their weight in the War against radical Islamic terrorism, and everyone should know about it.


Inside Spec Ops: Polish GROM

In 2013, the team at had an opportunity to visit Poland and their premier counter terrorism unit, the GROM. For the first time ever, a US film crew was allowed inside their compound and granted exclusive interviews with GROM operators.

Since the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 the GROM have been deployed alongside US Special Operations Forces in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere. During this time, the GROM developed a close working relationship with the US Navy SEALs, and have a well-earned reputation of being one of the fiercest and most competent Special Operations units on the planet.

So join SOFREP Productions and as we take you inside Spec Ops, and inside the Polish GROM.
Watch it here: