The SOFREP Kids Reading Club is great way to invest in the next generation. For my three boys, even though they are still pretty young, I think this is an excellent way to introduce them to military history and the sacrifices that were made for them to enjoy their freedom. The reading club provides them with life lessons that incorporate core values and stories of real men and women who have served our country. They may want to join the military when they get older, and this will be a great way for them to build a foundation of knowledge that they will not find in school.

The bonus from this is that my boys absolutely love getting their “own” mail, so to get something every month will certainly make their day! They can’t wait to rip open their SOFREP Kids Reading Club boxes!

The SOFREP Kids Reading Club is perfect for sons and daughters, nieces and nephews, and grandchildren. Sign them up today!

This club was inspired by the hit books “Making a Navy SEAL” and “Raising Men.” Each month your child will get a small gift (sticker pack, Navy SEAL coin, etc.), and a special ops adventure story pamphlet in the mail that contains important life lessons (trust, teamwork, integrity, why snipers like math, etc.), all anchored in the special operations ethos. These are written by our best-selling staff writers who are also former Navy SEALs, Army Rangers, Delta Force, et. al.

Click here to subscribe to the SOFREP Kids Reading Club.

Editorial cartoon by Robert Lang