It took me a while to wrap my skull around what an NFT was, and what all the hype was about. Then it hit me as I was walking in Mexico City’s central park one weekend.

Every weekend there is a massive collectible show. Everything from G.I. Joes, baseball cards, Star Wars to Pokemon and much more. People were obsessed with buying, selling, and trading these collections.

An NFT (nonfungible token) is essentially a digital collectible. If you own a piece of NFT artwork, the blockchain provides you with an encrypted record of ownership that proves you are the one and only owner of this piece.

Wanting to do something cool for our long-term members I reached out to my old friend, SOFREP designer (and Oakley alum) Jason Kenitzer and riffed with him about something cool I was thinking about with some iconic weapons of war.

This led us to collaborate on the development of SOFREP’s first NFT, “Art of War” drop.

We chose some of the most iconic weapons of the modern era, from the stainless steel Smith & Wesson 686 handcannon to the most prolific assault rifle on the planet, the AK-47, and a few more gold nuggets.

Half of your purchase will go to the Red Circle Foundation to benefit families of the special operations community.

Check out the limited edition (only 10!) NFT artwork in the LoadOutRoom store here.