Hey everybody, we’ve got a few updates on the website to let you know about, and I think you’re gonna like them.

First, and as you have surely seen on today’s news reports, Kim Jong-un is raving about Team Room’s new responsive design. Seen above, sitting in his mommy’s favorite white formal dining room chair as featured in the 1964 Sears Fall Catalog, ‘Un’ is seen raving to his staff about why he loves Team Room on mobile so damn much.

SOFREP Team Room on the iPhone

Uni, as his friends call him, is especially stoked that the login form is right there on the homepage, even on mobile.

Team Room mobile login form

The witty North Korean leader loves him some mobile shoutbox ‘cuz it opens in its own tab so he can chat up his bro’s stateside on the DL.

Team Room Mobile Shoutbox

Who knew that Junior was addicted to SOFREP Radio?? We did, of course, which is why we created this sweet little player that opens in its own tab so The Reckoning can pipe Quin and the boys through his set of silver Beats, especially when those damn old Generals get to yammering about boring things like feeding peasants…