Slapping on your civvies and plunging into the world of academia after a military stint? It’s a little like trying to skydive using an umbrella instead of a parachute — looks easy in the movies, but, oh boy, reality bites!

Here’s a shot of truth for you: College choices are like sitting through 100 PowerPoint slides on proper military protocol. More twists and turns than a night of liberty in Tijuana. So gear up, grab your compass, and get ready to ruck up; the Great American College Hunt is here.

Before you start picturing yourself sipping chilled beers on a sunny campus, let’s break down the method behind the madness because let’s face it, when transitioning from camo to campus, you don’t just want any school. You want one that’s got your six!

  1. Affordability: We get it. The military pays in pride and push-ups, not platinum cards. You need a college that doesn’t cost an arm and a leg (you’ve already risked those). So we’ve sought out schools that understand that a patriot’s wallet isn’t endlessly deep. It’s about getting bang for your buck, or in our case, boom for your buck!
  2. Quality of Life: Now, life outside the barracks might seem a bit cushy, maybe even suspiciously so. Do they really have beds without having to make them tight enough to bounce a quarter? And yes, food that doesn’t come vacuum-sealed with an unlimited shelf life! We’ve picked locales that’ll make you feel at home – or at least like you’re on a damn good R&R.
  3. Veteran Services: This is the biggie. The golden ticket. Because what’s the point of a fancy degree if they don’t get the military mojo? We’ve scoped out institutions that not only get the grit and grind of your past but also equip you for a future brighter than a flare on a moonless night.

And remember, navigating college is like a covert op in a foreign bar. There are allies, there are potential pitfalls, and there’s always that one guy you’re not sure about. But with this guide and a little of that SOFREP spirit, you’ll find your perfect school.

Another incredibly useful tool is the GI Bill Comparison Tool. It  provides information about the following:

  • How much funding you can expect to receive at a given institution.
  • How many GI Bill students attend the school.
  • Whether the institution has a Yellow Ribbon agreement.
  • Any cautions or warnings associated with the school.

Top 50 US Colleges for Military Veterans:

  1. Syracuse University: Has a dedicated Office of Veteran and Military Affairs and is known for its strong commitment to veterans.
  2. University of South Florida: Offers a variety of services for veterans and is recognized for its affordability.
  3. University of Texas at Arlington: With its MAVS program and affordable tuition, it’s a top choice for many veterans.
  4. Florida State University: FSU has a longstanding commitment to its veteran students and offers in-state tuition rates to all veterans.
  5. George Mason University: Known for its veteran services and the Mason Veterans Patriots program.
  6. Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey: Has several programs for veterans and offers competitive tuition rates.
  7. University of Arizona: Boasts a strong military-friendly environment and excellent veteran services.
  8. San Diego State University: With its proximity to military bases and dedicated Veteran House, it’s a natural choice for many.
  9. Texas A&M University: Known for its Corps of Cadets and robust veteran services.
  10. University of Maryland, University College: Prioritizes flexibility and online education tailored to veterans.
  11. University of Colorado, Colorado Springs: Near several military installations and provides a range of support services for veterans.
  12. University of Nebraska Omaha: Houses the Office of Military and Veteran Services, making transitions smoother.
  13. Eastern Kentucky University: EKU offers reduced tuition rates for active duty service members.
  14. California State University, San Bernardino: Offers robust services for military and veteran students.
  15. Central Texas College: Recognized for its affordability and dedicated veteran support.
  16. University of Kansas: KU is recognized for its strong commitment to veterans and military-affiliated students.
  17. West Virginia University: With the Mountaineer Military Advisers and Veterans Center, WVU offers comprehensive support.
  18. University of Oklahoma: OU offers in-state tuition to all veterans and has a range of support services.
  19. Colorado State University: Has an Adult Learner and Veteran Services office.
  20. Western Kentucky University: Offers a Military Student Services center.
  21. University of Missouri: Mizzou offers a range of resources for veterans.
  22. Mississippi State University: Has a dedicated Veterans’ Certifying Official to assist military students.
  23. Louisiana State University: Provides special scholarships for veterans.
  24. Ohio State University: OSU has a dedicated Office of Military & Veterans Services.
  25. Clemson University: Offers in-state tuition to all veterans.
  26. Auburn University: Auburn’s Office of Veteran and Military Affairs provides resources for military-affiliated students.
  27. University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire: Recognized for its commitment to veteran success.
  28. Northwestern State University of Louisiana: Offers specialized programs for military and veteran students.
  29. University of California, Riverside: UCR is dedicated to serving its veteran and military student population.
  30. University of Iowa: The university’s Military and Veteran Student Services offers robust support.
  31. University of Nevada, Reno: The school’s Veteran Services Office provides various resources.
  32. Arkansas State University: Known for its Beck PRIDE Center for America’s Wounded Veterans.
  33. University of Connecticut: UConn provides several resources through its Office of Veterans Affairs and Military Programs.
  34. Virginia Tech: The school offers a range of services through its Office of Veterans Services.
  35. Pennsylvania State University: Penn State’s World Campus is military-friendly, offering flexibility for veterans.
  36. Michigan State University: MSU offers in-state tuition for all veterans.
  37. Washington State University: WSU is recognized for its dedication to military-affiliated students.
  38. Ball State University: The school’s Veterans Benefits Office assists students in maximizing their benefits.
  39. Northern Arizona University: NAU’s Veteran and Military Services offers comprehensive support.
  40. Georgia State University: Recognized for its strong commitment to veterans.
  41. Middle Tennessee State University: MTSU’s Charlie and Hazel Daniels Veterans and Military Family Center is noteworthy.
  42. George Washington University: Offers robust veteran services and resources.
  43. University of South Carolina: USC is known for its Veterans and Military Services department.
  44. University of Illinois Chicago: UIC offers a range of resources and benefits for veteran students.
  45. Oklahoma State University: The university’s Veteran Benefit Services offers assistance to military students.
  46. Indiana University Bloomington: IU Bloomington offers in-state tuition to all veterans.
  47. University of Central Florida: UCF offers the Veterans Academic Resource Center for military students.
  48. Kent State University: The school’s Center for Adult and Veteran Services is recognized.
  49. University of North Texas: UNT’s Student Veteran Services offers a range of resources.
  50. University of North Carolina at Charlotte: UNCC provides robust support through its Veteran Services Office.

The list provided was an illustrative example meant to give an overview based on certain known attributes of these institutions up to 2022. The order and ranking were influenced by a combination of:

  1. Veteran Services: Schools that have dedicated offices, programs, or departments to support veterans and military-affiliated students. This might include assistance with the GI Bill, academic advising tailored to veterans, counseling services, and other resources.
  2. Historical Recognition: Some schools have received significant recognition over the years for their commitment to veterans and military families. Syracuse University’s consistent recognition for its veteran services, for example, was a factor in its placement.
  3. Affordability: Considering the cost of tuition, especially in relation to the benefits provided by the GI Bill, as well as any additional scholarships or financial support specifically for veterans.
  4. Quality of Life: This takes into account the overall student experience, from campus amenities to local community support and the general environment.
  5. General Reputation: The broader academic and community reputation of the institution can play a role, though it was considered alongside the more veteran-specific factors.

Bonus Tips: Always visit the campus and get a feel for it. Connect with other veterans who’ve been there. And remember, your education is an extension of your service – a mission to better yourself and, in turn, the world around you.

Conclusion: Choosing a college post-service is a significant decision. With the insights of Admiral McRaven and the experiences of a Navy SEAL like myself, I hope this guide serves you well. Dive in, make a splash, and continue making a difference.