*The POLL for this month’s Reading Group is CLOSED*

*SEAL of Honor by Gary Williams is the Selection for October, here is the link.*

*POLL closes midnight Pacific, October 2nd*

Hello MAFIA/Underground,

This post is to announce that the nominations for the October book selection is now open. You can place your nominations by following this link.

Please keep in mind that each month’s book selection has it’s own thread that is never closed.

So those who are still working their way through Jeremy Scahill’s opus, ‘Dirty Wars’ don’t worry. Feel free to drop your opinion whenever you can. There are a number of watches on the thread, so I’m sure someone will come in to agree or disagree….at some point.

I haven’t posted a poll about the idea of having a Mission Statement for the Reading Group, yet. Apologies, that is on me for being a bit lackadaisical. This month we will get it done, in two steps. A poll with a straight up yes or no. Then, if yes, we can debate what that Mission Statement should be, then vote on the various Statements people offer up.