Hey everybody, we just wanted to let you know that we’ll be releasing our first edition of the SOFREP World Report later today.

And, not to toot our own horn or anything, but we think you’re really going to want to read this one. It’s…’timely’.

Ok, so by now you all know what the ebook is all about, so here’s the schedule:

  • Monday: No Easy Day: The Book
  • Tuesday: The OBL Aftermath
  • Wednesday: Who is “Mark Owen”?
  • Thursday: The Hidden Motive Behind No Easy Day
  • Friday: The U.S. Special Operations Community Reaction
  • And we culminate the week on Saturday morning with Chapter 6: The Ultimate Consequences

Yeah. Team Room has its benefits.

Meanwhile, we thought it would be fun to let these three assholes have a peak inside the Team Room while they wait for their Team America II auditions…