It’s no secret in the SEAL community that NSWDG (Naval Special Warfare Development Group) has become their own biggest fans, so much so that they’ve forgotten what it means to be a silent professional. Many in the “Command” are the first to chastise former SEALs for writing books, and appearing in the media but irony would have it that the biggest betrayals our community have come to know are from DEVGRU (No Easy Day, and active duty DEV guys consulting with Hollywood to name a few).

This piece landed Jack on one Team Six guy’s target deck, but SEAL leadership could learn a few things from his write-up.


SEAL Team Six Throws OPSEC to the Wind, Next Time Use Delta Force or Rangers…

by  · August 24, 2012


With the 9/11 attacks being the story of the last decade, the raid that resulted in the killing of Osama Bin Laden may be the big story of this decade.  Before SEAL Team Six inserted via classified stealth helicopters and killed HVT #1, the White House, the Pentagon, and the CIA had an agreed upon narrative that would be sold to the public. This narrative would presumably help everyone take the most amount of credit possible, but would also do the responsible thing in maintaining operational security. This means that the military would be able to protect Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures, while the CIA would protect sources and methods.

Then one of the stealth helicopters, probably a highly modified MH-60 Blackhawk, crash landed inside the compound.  With the agreed upon cover story thrown into disarray, the White House panicked. This was the big story that would keep the President in office for another four years and if the Public Relations spin made them look bad it could be curtains for the administration. The White House then began to leak sensitive information. Perhaps the culmination of these leaks was a pitifully bad article about the OBL raid in The New Yorker magazine, describing a childish facsimile of an actual military operation.

While many journalists scrambled to get the big scoop on the Bin Laden raid, they became frustrated that The New Yorker landed the story.