Yesterday afternoon, a 14-year-old male (name has not been released due to age) shot and killed his 47 year old father, Jeffrey DeWitt Osborne, before injuring three at the Townsville Elementary School in Anderson County, SC. The teenager called his grandparents crying and sobbing on the phone. When the grandparents arrived at his house to check on him, they found his father dead from a gunshot wound.

The teenager called his grandmother at 1:44 p.m. ET, sobbing and speaking unintelligibly,” Shore said at a second news conference. The grandparents went to the boy’s house next door to check on the father and the boy. The couple found the father but not the boy.- CNN

After fatally shooting his father, he drove his father’s truck to the elementary school where he crashed into the playground fence as children were having recess. He then shot two male students and Meghan Hollingsworth an elementary school teacher with a handgun. The victims’s injuries include: one male student was shot in the leg (last listed in critical condition), the other student was shot in the foot, and the teacher was shot in the shoulder. According to the Greenville Online, “First-grade teacher Meghan Hollingsworth managed to herd the children to safety inside the building even as she was shot in the shoulder.”

The teenage shooter might have had more victims if a firefighter had not tackled the shooter outside of the school. The volunteer firefighter, identified as Jamie Brock, saw the shooting take place, tackled the shooter, and held the teenager down until police arrived. Jaime Block humbly declined to speak with the media.

The teenager was being homeschooled by his parents. His mother was at work during the shootings. As of right now, the motive for the shooting is unknown.

Image courtesy of AP