Power outages after a major hurricane can last anywhere from 1 day to 3 weeks (absolute maximum) depending on how much work the linemen have. I’m a Floridian and even a few days without power during hurricane season (summer months) down here is the epiphany of hell on Earth. Last year in Boston, during the Halloween storm, many up there didn’t have power for 2 weeks.

So this article helps you prepare for the worst with simple family survival tips, and we call it ‘How to Survive a Natural Disaster.’

Power Solution

A small generator, usually the Hondas are affordable, reliable, and easy to carry around (and these are the same ones we used overseas). If you can fill up at least 5 gallons of gasoline for it, it should be enough to last you about a week if you use it a moderate amount of time.


It’s always good to have a map of the area you are in for evacuation purposes. If you decide to ride out a major storm at home, but things start to turn sour (worse storm than expected), it’s important to have a map with pre-marked evacuation spots (sturdier buildings, designated safe areas by the local government, elevated areas, etc). Don’t bother with a compass, I couldn’t think of a scenario where you would need it unless you are evacuating due to a Zombie outbreak.

Speaking from experience of power outages due to major storms here in Florida, candles are more useful for creating a “calm” environment in your home at night. Flashlights should be your primary source for lighting. Candles are simply nice to create a soothing atmosphere when things around you have turned to shit (my experience).

Always have extra batteries for everything (primarily for flashlights). I have a fishing tacklebox that I keep in the back of my car that has plenty of first aid items (as well as cutting tools), and lots and lots of extra batteries for all manners of electronics.

Depending on your geography (in this case the folks in the Northeast), if power goes out (which it will) and the storm passes, it’ll be frigging cold! You need to make sure you can keep your family warm, first and foremost. If you have a fireplace, you better have wood to go with it, as well as enough materials to start that fire with! If you don’t, make sure you have extra blankets, extra gloves, skull caps, etc. This is definitely common sense.


It’s always nice to pack some heat. If you own a piece, keep it nearby.