The following is a special guest submission from John Stryker Meyer, excerpted from his book “On the Ground.” Major General (ret.) Bargewell passed unexpectedly after an accident on a riding lawn mower. He was laid to rest with full military honors on Thursday, May 2.

The casualty rates for SOG recon teams were the highest for any unit in Vietnam. We all had our close calls and thus each of us was given ample opportunity for the truth of this observation to be incised on his soul. Perhaps none more so than the young, hard-charging One-Zero of RT Michigan, Sergeant Eldon Bargewell. No one who ever met him doubted his professionalism or determination. He was not only meticulous when preparing his team for a mission, and a fearless leader when on the ground, but he also possessed a biting wit and an absolute intolerance when it came to fools and REMFs—fools and REMFs being a redundancy to his way of thinking.

The moment of truth came in March 1969 during a mission in the target MA-14, which was northwest of the A Shau Valley. With Don Sheppard as his One-One and Mike Moorehouse as his One-Two, Bargewell and RT Michigan’s mission was simple: Locate an NVA regimental headquarters and way station, pinpoint the base camp, and then call in a Hatchet Force from CCS led by Jerry “Mad Dog” Schriver, on temporary assignment to CCN.

Upon the team’s early afternoon insertion, a fourth American on the team broke his arm jumping from the helicopter as the NVA peppered the team’s LZ with mortar fire. Bargewell had one chopper return and evac the injured SF soldier. When the chopper left the LZ, the NVA mortars fell silent. Believing the entire team had left the target, the NVA soldiers returned to their regular duties along the Ho Chi Minh Trail. RT Michigan moved out toward what intelligence officers said was the regimental headquarters. After moving only 200 meters, the point man saw an old NVA bunker. Much to Bargewell’s surprise, intelligence was accurate for a change.

The team crept up the hill and saw more empty bunkers. Bargewell saw one that appeared to have maps inside of it. This was virtually unheard of—a piece of incredibly good luck. But what do you do in such a case? Well, if you’re Eldon Bargewell, you go wild: grabbing maps, charts, logbooks, and assorted documents and stuffing them into your rucksack until it overflows. It was a veritable gold mine of information on weapons caches, supply routes, communications sites, and encryption codes. It was a Frommer’s Guide to the Ho Chi Minh Trail: where to sleep, where to eat, where to refuel, where to find weapons and replenish munitions. With this information in hand, the U.S. military could hurt the NVA.

RT Michigan continued its search. The team came into an area where the underbrush was cleared out a little and Bargewell saw an AK-47 leaning against a bunker with an NVA AK-47 vest lying nearby. He moved over to inspect them. He had always wanted a war souvenir so Bargewell put the vest over his head and handed the AK-47 to a Montagnard team member. The NVA vests held three AK-47 banana-clip-style magazines in front vertical pouches.

Wearing his newfound vest, Bargewell took three Montagnard team members and moved slowly up the hill while Sheppard and Moorehouse remained behind and established a defensive perimeter with the rest of the Montagnards.

After moving up the mountain an additional 40 meters, Bargewell spotted five or six NVA soldiers sitting on a picnic table playing cards. Capturing a live NVA soldier would make this particular mission one for the record books. Bargewell and the three Montagnards crept toward them—until they were spotted by one of the NVA soldiers. The M-79 man fired a round above their heads, attempting to wound one and make him a POW, but the shot was too high.