Spectre Miniatures is company that is based out of the U.K.; they produce a table top war game that uses 28mm miniature models to simulate modern combat scenarios. The game is designed to be played by multiple players running through reality based missions where an opposition force and assault force compete over objectives. The other side of Spectre miniatures is that the models are incredibly detailed but require the buyer to paint them to actually achieve their intended completed state. Both of these aspects have drawn me into the hobby and have proven to not only be fun but stimulating in other aspects as well.

The miniatures themselves are cast metal and, as I stated previously, incredibly well detailed. The smallest things are visible on the individual model’s equipment and everything has been rendered accurately. Immense research was done to ensure each figures loadout was done realistically with great attention to authenticity. Things like a bundle of chem-lights (glow sticks) or an infrared strobe on a helmet — even the cables that connect communications equipment and night vision to battery packs can be seen clearly on a character. These little details correlate directly to the capabilities and loadout of a figure while actually playing the Spectre Operations game.

The painting of miniatures, while tedious, is rewarding in its own way because it absolutely caters to the painter’s imagination and at the same time is greatly dependent on their ambition. Sure, it will take some time to perfect the skill of painting miniatures, but with practice and experience the skill will grow and the end result will be equally rewarding. The models require you to prime them and then apply acrylic water based paints in various layers and colors to achieve the desired result: a realistic looking miniature “operator.” The options are as limited as your imagination; while the models are cast and fixed, what they accurately represent can change greatly by what color scheme is chosen for them.

Personally I have found that the act of painting miniatures, although admittedly I have not delved into larger models, to be assuredly therapeutic. Something about shutting out the world and focusing my attention on a singular object brings me to an almost meditative state. Part of this is because, as a form of self-expression, I get to create something truly unique and original but also the object of creation is entirely tangible. I can see exactly what my time was spent on and how well it turns out is a direct reflection of the effort i put into it. I’m sure this holds true for many hobbyists and can be found in a variety of other activities, even those excluding direct forms of art, but painting Spectre Miniatures has done it for me.

Spectre Miniatures have a diverse line of collections featuring a variety of styles/classes of models, or playable assets depending on how you look at them. Everything from Russian Spetsnaz and Naval Special Warfare DEVGRU team members all the way down to Mexican Cartel sicarios and Islamic extremist jihadist models are available. Of course, as I spoke of previously, with proper application of paint and technique, these figures can become anything within the realm of modern military operations. Each of the individual figurines has specific equipment they carry as well. From M4A1s with M203s to AKMs and light machine guns, they have it all. Additional equipment such as night vision and crew served weapons are available too but vehicles are definitely the most significant addition. Toyota Land Cruisers with DShKs or small special forces based vehicles can be had and utilized to great effect in games; there are actually producers of helicopters, tanks, MRAPs, etc. outside of Spectre Miniatures that can be acquired too.