A car bomb detonated near a convoy of buses carrying evacuees away from areas near Aleppo, Syria, killing at least 16 people. Evacuations of 7000 people from four cities (Fua, Kefraya, Madaya, and Zabadani) surrounding Aleppo began on Friday, 5000 were removed yesterday and another 3000 were set for today. According to the New York Times, the evacuations were the result of a deal brokered by the Syrian government.

The evacuations were brokered by the Syrian government and Iran on one side and Qatar, representing the rebels, on the other, and carried out by the Syrian Arab Red Crescent.” – New York Times

The recent car bombing has interrupted the evacuation process and it is unclear if operations will continue as planned. No one has claimed responsibility for the suicide bombing yet. More to follow. 

Image courtesy of Reuters