The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) has released the results of a long investigation on the use of chemical weapons in Syria. It concluded that the Syrian air force used such weapons on attacks on its own people in 2017. 

Although the Syrian government of Bashar al-Assad has repeatedly denied this, the watchdog agency concluded in a devastating 82-page report that the government was behind several chemical weapons attacks during the civil war that has been wracked the country for the past ten years.

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said that the regime of Bashar al-Assad is responsible for “atrocities” that rise to the “level of war crimes,… crimes against humanity.” He said that the United States agrees with the OPCW’s findings.

“The United States shares the OPCW’s conclusions and assesses that the Syrian regime retains sufficient chemicals — specifically sarin and chlorine — and expertise from its traditional chemical weapons (CW) program to use sarin, to produce and deploy chlorine munitions, and to develop new CW,” Pompeo said.

Photo of chemical weapon found in Latamina (OPCW).

A joint United Nations-OPCW mission had been investigating reported chemical attacks in Syria for some time. When an extension of the mission’s mandate was brought in front of the U.N. Security Council (UNSC), it was vetoed by Russia. (The Russian government has repeatedly turned a blind eye to acts of its longstanding ally Assad.) 

So, in order to circumvent the UNSC’s decision the OPCW created a new Investigation and Identification Team (IIT) to carry out the probe on the reported chemical attacks.

Their findings showed that a chemical attack, which affected over 100 people in the opposition-held town of Latamina, was conducted by the Syrian air force.