We asked you, our members, to name your favorite SOF units of all time, and you guys responded! Check it out below and keep it coming in the comments.


No weapons just targets, they infiltrated enemy maritime positions without CAS or Naval bombardment and eliminated enemy obstacles so that Rangers and infantry could do what they do best… kill ’em all and let God sort the rest.

– Tyson


As an honorably discharged US Navy Veteran and a current Tactical Medic I have tremendous respect for all SOF units.  However, since I was young I have always had the utmost respect for the men that have had the heart, will and sheer determination to earn their place with the US Navy SEALS.  I believe they are the most versatile and well rounded unit in the SOF arsenal.  When I think of SEALS I am reminded of Isaiah 6:8, which I believe embodies the spirit of the men in the SEALS best. “Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”

– CRT_Medic


Growing up I watched the movie “Navy SEALs” and thought it was awesome.  Afterwards all the way through high school I was training in order to join the Navy and volunteer for BUD/S so that I could earn the Trident.  Call it my dream if you will.  My junior year (I think) of high school I learned that being color blind and not perfect vision was disqualifying from BUD/S.  So that shot me down right quick.  However, the dream still stands and I still stand in awe of the gentlemen who earn the Trident and especially the guys chosen for “6.”

– CBlack