As the bombardment of Ukraine’s population centers by Russian forces continues, here are the missile, rocket, and artillery systems raining death and destruction on civilians. While the Russian army produces precision-guided weapons to hit targets, their doctrine going back to WWWII favors vast amounts of cheap unguided munitions rather than a smaller number of platforms that can hit targets precisely as is favored by the U.S. and NATO countries. The Russians have so many platforms because they are slow to retire and dismantle obsolete systems, preferring to keep them in inventory for reserve units of the Russian army or to offer them for sale to third-world countries.

It is one thing to use these weapons against military targets, but SOFREP has seen evidence of these weapons being used in civilian areas. including  220mm Uragan (Hurricane) and 300mm Smerch (Tornado) cluster munition rockets. We have seen remnants of the shell casings  from Uragan and Smerch cluster munition-type rockets as on the ground in Ukraine.

International human rights organizations are in Ukraine now assessing the extent of their use by the Russians before the evidence of these crimes against humanity are forever erased by the advance(despite valiant resistance by Ukraine forces) of Putin’s army.



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BM-21 GRAD, 9K51, NATO Designation M9164

The BM-21 GRAD is probably the most widely used rocket artillery system in the world today, developed in 1963. In its most basic design, the BM-21 consists of forty 122mm rockets on a turntable launcher mounted to the Ural-375D truck. The rockets have a range of some 2okm and the BM-21 can salvo all of them in 20 seconds. These are unguided rockets meant to shower a wide area with incendiary, explosive, and fragmentation warheads.  The aiming mechanism is manually operated and the rockets are also loaded by hand. Other versions include longer-range rockets able to reach 30km and 40km respectively.  This system is unarmored and after firing must rapidly leave the area to avoid counter-battery fire from a U.S. 155 howitzer or the U.S. Army’s own HIMARS rocket system which fires the precision-guided GMLRS rocket and has a range of 135km.


“9K57 BM-27 Uragan (Hurrikan)” by shumpei_sano_exp8 is marked with CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.

BM-27, Uragan 9K57 NATO Designation M1977

The Uragan,”Hurricane” was a late cold war developed system with longer-range rockets to keep it out of the range of U.S. counter-battery fire.  As a result, it carries just 16 rockets compared to the BM-21 but they are 220mm and reach out to 35km.  Like the BM-21 GRAD, these rockets are unguided and crudely aimed to hit an area of ground rather than a precise location.