In the aftermath of the Chinese Civil War, the communists consolidated control of the mainland while the nationalists regrouped in the isle of Taiwan. The communist party of China (CCP) would make a goal to reunify the Republic of China (ROC), which rules Taiwan, even by force, if necessary.
The United States is a valuable actor in both diplomacy and deterrence in keeping another major war from occurring, as China’s aggression is not only limited to Taiwan but also Japan, Vietnam, and the Philippines.
To prepare for a potential invasion of Taiwan, America mustered the most extensive and powerful fleet, deployed to the Indo-Pacific. Part of the components of America’s Asian Pacific forces, the 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU), will be the first line of defense and contingency if such an invasion of Taiwan occurs.
Presence of US Forces in the Region
In the Asian Pacific, the United States maintains its most significant force of readiness. Currently, the US military has over 80,000 troops deployed to the region (53,713 in Japan and 26,414 in South Korea) located in Northeast Asia. The significant presence of US forces directly counter threats from the People’s Republic of China and North Korea. Through longstanding mutual defense pacts with Tokyo and Seoul, Washington currently has central base access, and the two former are under the nuclear umbrella.
Compared to Japan and South Korea, Taiwan does not have the luxury of direct benefits of American forces as the Henry Kissinger-backed geopolitical shift ended the presence of US troops in Taiwan with closer ties with the PRC. Due to this, American forces will now have to respond to any threats to Taipei directly from quick-reaction forces from Japan.

The 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit and Components
The 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit, the 31st MEU, is the only continuously forward deployed crisis response force. Activated on March 1st, 1967, the MEU saw its first combat operations during the Vietnam War.
The MEU consists of a command element, a battalion landing team known as a BLT (infantry battalion with combined arms elements), an aviation combat element, and a logistics combat element (CLB). Along with the Marine elements, the US Seventh Fleet also reinforces the MEU.
The Seventh Fleet currently has ten Task Forces (70-79), and TF 79 directly supplements the 31st MEU. Aircraft carrier CVN USS Ronald Reagan also includes fixed-wing support elements if conflict exacerbates.

The First Foreign Line of Defense
In the event of a Chinese attack on Taiwan, such as a blockade or direct invasion, the 31st MEU would be one of the first deployed elements. Through naval and air elements, the US Seventh Fleet would strike soft targets against the People’s Liberation’s Air Force and naval elements. Fixed wings from the US Air Force, Navy, Army, and Marine Corps from Japan would then conduct raids against China’s layered air defense systems and highly capable intermediate-range ballistic missiles.
Striking China’s deadly ballistic missile capabilities will be a crucial focus in a war against Taiwan as Beijing’s thousands of short and medium-range missiles are capable of sinking the numerous naval elements in the Asian Pacific. The missiles could also potentially target American, Taiwanese, Japanese, and South Korean military bases if Beijing finds such targets necessary, though it will come with even greater retaliation and escalation.
Once all soft and hard targets are neutralized for a ground combat element, the Maritime Special Purpose Force (MSPF) will access and set the tone of the battlefield. Marine Special Purpose Forces are a unique operation-capable (SOC) subcomponent of MEUs.
Directly subordinate to the MEU commander, the MSPF consists of reconnaissance Marines, conduct intelligence gathering, close air support, amphibious raids, hostage rescue, direct action against adversaries, such as China, and electronic warfare and conventional maritime special operations.
From 2013 to mid-2023, Maritime Special Purpose Forces were not directly employed by MEUs. Still, with the new force designation directive for the Marine Corps, the MSPF will now be utilized for threats in the Asian Pacific.
With a lighter-armed Marine Corps that will transition back to amphibious routes to counteract the People’s Liberation Army, the 31st MEU will now be the main effort for one of the first lines of defense for the Republic of China. In an ever-changing world of geopolitical challenges and rising threats, keeping the 31st MEU in constant crisis readiness will help enhance America’s military capabilities.
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