A Measured Response

In a measured assertion of American military might, the United States orchestrated extensive airstrikes against a network of 85 targets spanning Iraq and Syria. This action, unfolding on Friday, marks the onset of what is anticipated to be a sequence of escalated U.S. offensives against Iranian-backed militias. These factions are responsible for orchestrating multiple attacks on American troops stationed in the Middle East.

The genesis of these retaliatory strikes, which encompassed a meticulous 30-minute operation, lies in a drone assault. This prior attack, orchestrated by Iran-affiliated terrorists on a U.S. military base in Jordan, resulted in the tragic loss of three American service members and left over 40 others wounded to varying degrees. The White House, validating the success of these counterstrikes, underscored their strategic response to the initial provocation.

Biden Reads a Prepared Statement

In a perfunctory statement, President Joe Biden articulated his views on the ongoing stance of the U.S. military, emphasizing the strategic and selective nature of these responses. “The United States does not seek conflict in the Middle East or anywhere else in the world. But let all those who might seek to do us harm know this: If you harm an American, we will respond,” President Biden declared, voicing a firm commitment to national defense. Does the rest of the world believe Biden? I don’t know. Time will tell, but I have my doubts.

These operations on Friday have notably escalated in scale compared to previous actions targeting Iranian-backed militias, which were mainly concentrated on disrupting arms storage and training sites. The Biden administration, however, is threading a careful path. It seeks to deter further aggression and safeguard against the eruption of a full-scale conflict with Iran, especially given the existing tensions fueled by the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict in Gaza.


While the U.S. Central Command has officially acknowledged these airstrikes as measures against the IRGC Quds Force and its allied militia groups, the operation’s breadth is substantial.

“US military forces struck more than 85 targets, with numerous aircraft, including long-range bombers flown from the United States. The airstrikes employed more than 125 precision munitions,”

the command stated. The targeted facilities included a spectrum of operational and logistical assets crucial to the militia groups and their IRGC benefactors, who are responsible for orchestrating attacks against U.S. and Coalition forces.

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin called the strikes “the start of our response,” a sentiment echoed by National Security Council spokesman John Kirby. “We believe that the strikes were successful,” Kirby affirmed, as he acknowledged the probability of casualties among the IRGC and militia personnel.

Breaking a Few Eggs

The Syrian military has reported substantial infrastructure damage and lamented the loss of civilian and military lives due to the U.S. strikes. These assertions, emanating from the Syrian Ministry of Defense, paint a grim picture of the aftermath, emphasizing the strikes’  impact on public and private assets.

The region’s nations have, of course, voiced their disapproval and concern in the wake of these events. Syria and Iraq, labeling the strikes as infringements upon their sovereignty, warned of the potential for these actions to destabilize an already volatile Middle East further.

The U.S. military’s strategic use of B-1 bombers in these operations underscores the intricate planning and execution involved. Lt. Gen. Douglas Sims highlighted the meticulous timing and logistical coordination of the strikes to ensure precision and minimize unintended consequences.

However, amidst the military maneuvers and strategic calculations, the human cost of these conflicts remains a reality. The first rule of war is that innocent people die. The second rule of war is that the first rule cannot be changed.

As the international community grapples with these developments, the unfolding narrative continues to shape the geopolitical landscape, presenting a complex tapestry of power, diplomacy, and the relentless pursuit of national interests.

Stay tuned to SOFREP for more coverage of the ongoing war in the Middle East. This thing ain’t over yet by a long shot.