Missed Opportunities and Ineffective Support

Under the Biden administration, the handling of the Ukraine war has been criticized for its lack of proactive measures and ineffective security assistance. The administration’s primary policy of using security assistance has not provided Ukraine with the necessary resources to combat the war effectively. Instead, the war is being managed from Washington, D.C., with restrictions placed on how Ukraine can prosecute the war and choose its targets.

The national security strategy of the Biden administration, which focuses on ineffective deterrence, reaction, and reconciliation is a failure. The strategy has been marred by poor strategic messaging, inadequate leadership, lack of coordination, and an incompetent national security team. Additionally, the US Congress has been unable to support Ukraine in its fight against Russia effectively.

Recently, the Biden administration announced joint action with Germany, Romania, Netherlands, and Italy to strengthen Ukraine’s air defense capability. However, critics argue that this action should have been taken much earlier to provide Ukraine with the necessary resources to defend itself against Russian aggression.

Meanwhile, Russia has been allowed to bomb Ukraine without any real consequences. Even if Russia hits civilian targets, such as hospitals, they can deny responsibility while the Biden administration and the UN issue ineffective statements. This lack of accountability has encouraged Russia to continue its aggression unchecked.

Sanctions imposed on Russia have also proven to be ineffective, as Iran has found ways to circumvent them and support Russia. This lack of credibility on the part of the United States has further weakened its ability to address the situation in Ukraine effectively.

In conclusion, the Biden administration’s handling of the Ukraine war has been criticized for its lack of proactive measures, ineffective security assistance, and failure to hold Russia accountable for its actions. Without significant changes in strategy and a more substantial commitment to supporting Ukraine, the situation is unlikely to improve.

 Donald C. Bolduc