
The Israeli and Hamas conflict has been a long-standing and complex issue in the Middle East. The ongoing strife between Israel and Hamas, a Palestinian militant group, has resulted in countless casualties and deep-rooted animosity. This essay aims to analyze the likelihood of the expansion of this conflict in the region, considering various factors such as historical context, regional dynamics, and recent events.

Historical Context

Understanding the historical context is crucial in assessing the likelihood of the expansion of the Israeli and Hamas conflict. The conflict traces its roots back to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which emerged with the establishment of Israel in 1948. Since then, multiple wars and uprisings have occurred, leading to the current situation where Hamas controls the Gaza Strip.

Regional Dynamics

The regional dynamics play a significant role in determining the likelihood of expanding the Israeli and Hamas conflict. The Middle East is a region marked by complex rivalries and geopolitical interests. The involvement of neighboring countries, such as Iran, has exacerbated tensions between Israel and Hamas. Iran has provided financial and military support to Hamas, while Israel perceives Iran as a significant regional threat. This external involvement increases the likelihood of the conflict expanding beyond the borders of Israel and Gaza.

Recent Events

Past events substantially impact the potential expansion of the Israeli and Hamas conflict, like the escalation in May 2021, with deadly clashes and intense rocket exchanges between the two parties. This round of violence revealed the alarming potential for the conflict to spread beyond Gaza, as rockets were launched towards Israeli cities, and Israeli airstrikes targeted various locations in Gaza. The international community’s involvement, including ceasefires brokered by Egypt and the United Nations, temporarily halted the conflict’s expansion. However, underlying issues remain unresolved, which increases the risk of further escalation, leading to the October 2023 terrorist attack by Hamas on Israel.

Factors Contributing to Expansion

Several factors contribute to the likelihood of the Israeli and Hamas conflict expanding in the region. Firstly, the absence of a comprehensive peace agreement between Israel and Palestine perpetuates the cycle of violence and hatred. Lack of progress on critical issues such as borders, settlements, and the status of Jerusalem fuels tensions, leaving room for further conflict escalation.

Secondly, the growing influence of non-state actors, such as Hezbollah, in the region poses a significant risk. These groups may exploit the Israeli and Hamas conflict to pursue their interests, potentially dragging other countries into the fighting. The complex web of alliances and rivalries in the Middle East further complicates the situation, increasing the chances of the Israeli and Hamas conflict expanding.

Thirdly, the humanitarian crisis in Gaza adds fuel to the fire. The economic and social deterioration in the region has created a breeding ground for radicalization and discontent. This desperate situation may push individuals towards extremist ideologies, potentially leading to increased violence and regional instability, and other terrorist groups could join the fight.

Furthermore, the impact of social media and modern communication technology must be addressed. These platforms have the potential to amplify tensions and spread propaganda, making it easier for the conflict to spill over into neighboring countries. Misinformation and incitement can rapidly spread, leading to increased polarization and the potential for further violence.


The historical context, regional dynamics, and recent events increase the likelihood of the expansion of the Israeli and Hamas conflict in the region is significant. The United States’ foreign policy has been a failure in the region. The United States’ lack of leadership and the mistrust of our allies contributes to the possibility of expansion. Also, the absence of a comprehensive peace agreement, the involvement of external actors, the humanitarian crisis, and the impact of modern communication technology all contribute to this possibility. It is crucial for all parties involved to prioritize dialogue, negotiation, and diplomacy to prevent further escalation of violence and find a sustainable resolution to this long-standing conflict. The international community is also responsible for supporting peace efforts and facilitating a peaceful solution to the Israeli and Hamas conflict. The region can move towards stability, security, and peaceful coexistence only through a comprehensive and inclusive approach.

The message the United States must send to the international community is that we fully support Israel. Hamas is a terrorist organization and must be destroyed. In addition, the United States must freeze all Iranian assets and do the same to any country supporting Hamas and Iran. We must put more sanctions on Iran, including China’s imports of oil from Iran and Russia, receiving drones and missiles from Iran, and the support that China, Russia, and Iran are giving to North Korea. It is time for strength and resolve.

Donald C. Bolduc