
In recent years, the conflict between Israel and Palestine has sparked widespread protests, with some individuals expressing support for Hamas, the organization governing the Gaza Strip. However, it is crucial to recognize that those who defend Hamas often lack a comprehensive understanding of the brutality associated with this militant group. While empathy for the Palestinian cause is valid, it is essential to critically analyze Hamas’ actions, its impact on innocent civilians, and its use of violence as a means to achieve its goals.

Hamas’ Background and Objectives

Hamas, an acronym for Harakat al-Muqawama al-Islamiyya (Islamic Resistance Movement), was established in 1987 to liberate Palestine from Israeli occupation and establish an Islamic state. While their goals may resonate with some Palestinians, it is crucial to examine the methods employed by the organization.

Use of Violence and Terrorism

One of the primary concerns associated with Hamas is its reliance on violence and acts of terrorism. The group has frequently targeted Israeli civilians, employing tactics such as suicide bombings, rocket attacks, and kidnappings. These actions have resulted in the loss of innocent lives on both sides, exacerbating the cycle of violence and hindering any prospects for peace.

Hamas’ use of human shields further demonstrates their disregard for the well-being of Palestinian civilians. By intentionally placing rocket launchers and military infrastructure within densely populated areas, Hamas manipulates innocent Palestinians into becoming unwitting participants in their violent acts. This strategy endangers the lives of Palestinian men, women, and children, exposing them to the justified retaliatory measures taken by the Israeli military.

Oppression and Suppression of Dissent

Hamas’ governance in the Gaza Strip has been marked by a lack of democratic principles, with the organization suppressing political dissent and stifling freedom of expression. Critics argue that Hamas has created an environment of fear and intimidation, preventing Palestinians from openly voicing their opinions or criticizing the group’s actions. This oppressive regime undermines the very foundations of a free and democratic society, denying Palestinians the opportunity to engage in open dialogue and work towards peaceful solutions.

Impact on Palestinian Civilian Population

Furthermore, Hamas’ actions have had a detrimental impact on the Palestinian civilian population. By diverting significant resources towards military infrastructure and weaponry, Hamas has neglected the development of vital social services, such as healthcare and education. Consequently, Palestinians living under Hamas rule often face dire living conditions, limited access to quality healthcare, and inadequate educational opportunities, further perpetuating their suffering.


In conclusion, those who protest in favor of Hamas without fully understanding the brutality of this organization undermine their cause and inadvertently perpetuate the cycle of violence in the region. While the Palestinian struggle for self-determination is valid, it is crucial to critically evaluate the methods employed by Hamas and recognize the harm it inflicts upon innocent civilians. By relying on violence, terrorism, and the suppression of dissent, Hamas undermines the prospects for peace and hinders the development of a free and democratic Palestinian society. It is essential to promote a nuanced understanding of the conflict, acknowledging the legitimate grievances of the Palestinian people while condemning the actions of Hamas that perpetuate the suffering of both Palestinians and Israelis alike. Only through a comprehensive understanding of the situation’s complexities can a path toward lasting peace and justice be forged.


Donald C. Bolduc