“Believe nothing you hear, and only one half that you see.

–Edgar Allan Poe

I’m sure Poe would wonder what portion of the information presented on Wikipedia he should believe.

Wikipedia, the world’s largest online encyclopedia, unfortunately, is a resource for many people seeking information on a wide range of topics. However, it is also frequently criticized for its open editing environment, which allows anyone to edit its content at any time. This has led to concerns about the reliability and accuracy of the information found on the site.

An example of widespread misinformation on Wikipedia involves the John Seigenthaler Sr. biography controversy of 2005. A Wikipedia entry falsely implicated  Seigenthaler, a former assistant to U.S. Senator Robert Kennedy, in the assassinations of both President John F. Kennedy and the Senator. This instance highlighted the potential for harm through misinformation on Wikipedia and raised concerns about the reliability of open-source content.

Wikipedia has seen multiple instances where individuals or groups are incorrectly linked with organizations or actions due to erroneous edits. One such example involved Sinn Féin, where individuals were falsely associated with the IRA, leading to public and political backlash.

Can Be Edited by Anyone

One of the main criticisms of Wikipedia is that it can be edited by anyone, regardless of their expertise, qualifications, and bias on the subject matter. This means that the information contained in any given article may not be accurate or reliable. In fact, studies have shown that Wikipedia articles can include errors and misinformation, which can mislead readers and perpetuate false information.

Another issue with Wikipedia is the potential for bias in its content. Since anyone can edit articles, there is a risk that information may be skewed or manipulated to reflect a particular point of view. This can be problematic when users rely on Wikipedia as a source of information, as they may be exposed to biased or misleading content.

In addition, the readability of Wikipedia articles can vary widely depending on the author. Some articles may be well-written and easy to understand, while others may be confusing or poorly structured. This can make it difficult for users to extract accurate information from the site, especially if they are unfamiliar with the subject.

Risk of Plagiarism

Furthermore, there is a risk of plagiarism when using Wikipedia as a source of information. Since the site is open to editing by anyone, there is a possibility that content may be copied from other sources without proper attribution. This can lead to accusations of plagiarism and undermine the credibility of the information presented on the site.

In light of these concerns, users need to approach Wikipedia with caution and skepticism. While the site can be a resource for general information, it should not be relied upon as a definitive source for academic or research purposes. Users should always verify information found on Wikipedia with other reputable sources to ensure its accuracy and reliability.

Overall, Wikipedia’s open editing environment has both advantages and disadvantages. While it allows for a wide range of information to be shared and updated in real time, it also poses risks regarding reliability, bias, readability, and plagiarism. Users should be aware of these potential pitfalls and cautiously approach Wikipedia, especially when using it for academic or research purposes.


Donald C. Bolduc