At CPAC this year, the NRA head Wayne LaPierre, delivered a chilling speech to his audience warning that American freedoms are under attack from, “a tidal wave of European style socialism that seizes the democratic party.”  LaPierre told his listeners that the Democrats are, “A party that is now infested with saboteurs who don’t believe in capitalism, don’t believe in the constitution, don’t believe in our freedom, and don’t believe in America as we know it.”

But really, LaPierre was not warning about the Democrats, but something much more insidious.  His grave warnings of “European style socialism” was a code phrase, a micro-message implanted in his overall narrative.  It was a wink and a nod to those in the know.

The then NRA leader continued by discussing security in the aftermath of school shootings, stating that, “Our jewelry stores all over this country are more important than our children.”  He continued by talking about how our banks, movie theaters, politicians, and celebrities are more important to protect than our children at school, as they have better security. But it was no mistake that this statement was front loaded by mentioning jewelry stores.  Those familiar with the diamond industry, particularly in New York City, know what this is a reference to.

In all, LaPierre mentioned fifteen individuals who pose a threat to American freedom.  Seven of them — including Bernie Sanders, Saul Alinsky, Chuck Schumer, George Soros, Michael Bloomberg, Tom Steyer, and Karl Marx — are Jews.  Another person mentioned is Senator Kamala Harris, who is married to a Jew.  And Andrew Cuomo, who is Catholic but is a huge supporter of Israel and the Jewish community in New York.

During the CPAC speech, LaPierre said that while the election of President Trump was critical, it, “cannot turn away the wave of these European style socialists bearing down upon us.”  He continued by explaining that these secret saboteurs politicize the Department of Justice, weaponize the IRS, and cripple both the FBI and Intelligence Community while embedding their own leadership in each organization in order to advance their agenda.

This notion that our institutions of government are being infiltrated by a Jewish conspiracy is something that is gaining momentum, but today it isn’t just on weird public access television shows or pirate radio stations like back in the 1990’s.  Today these ideas are given credibility in the mainstream media.

Chris Farrell, Judicial Watch’s director of investigations, went on Lou Dobbs’ show to repeat the conspiracy theory that the caravan of Central American migrants heading to the United States is being funded by the “Soros occupied State Department.”  George Soros has become the arch-boogey man of the American right since Glenn Beck began speaking out against him when he had a television show on Fox News back around 2009.  In this case, Chris Farrell used “Soros-occupied” as a flimsy stand in for the more common “Zionist-occupied government” term used by anti-Semites.  The Fox Business Network has since banned Farrell from appearing on the show again, due to the Soros comment.