During one of his question-and-answer sessions on Facebook a few weeks ago, Brandon Webb was discussing politics and how it plays a role in our work here on the site. As Brandon briefly explained, and as Jack Murphy has pointed out in meetings, none of SOFREP’s management team asked me about my political affiliations when I came on. SOFREP isn’t in the business of choosing a political line and asking its contributors to toe it. Instead, they want us to produce the best work that we can, and that sometimes means providing you, the readers, with insight into our biases. It’s the sort of thing that makes me proud to work for this company, rather than a large outlet that pretends to be absent of bias, and then runs headlines like this:

This is how poisonous media rhetoric has become. When a monster commits a heinous crime, the first thing the media could think to do was tie that crime to their favorite bad guy. In the ’90s, that bad guy would have been Marilyn Manson. In the 2000s, it probably would have been Eminem or video games. But now, if someone takes the life of another person, it has to have been the influence of none other than the president of the United States.

As a few of us have pointed out, Trump’s executive order on refugees and immigration was little more than an expansion of previous orders put into place by folks like President Barack Obama. Trump’s executive order to restart the Dakota Access Pipeline Obama so heroically stopped (after the vast majority of it was complete and protestors had been on site for months) was really just an order to complete the environmental analysis ordered by Obama and to find a way to complete the project in which billions of dollars had already been invested. If Obama were still in office, that would all still need to get accomplished, but it likely would have received a good deal less press.

And what about the wall? Trump signed an executive order, so surely the concrete is already being poured, right? Of course not. It still has to be funded, which will involve Congress, and will likely be subject to a good deal of analysis regarding environmental impact to the regions it goes through. These reality checks don’t draw in clicks, though, and the media is a business powered by your attention.

So in the interest of full disclosure, I’m going to be honest about my own political biases—ones I was never asked to discuss throughout the interview process or in my writing, but one that seems important now as the media works to divide us further.

I really don’t like Donald Trump.

He’s arrogant, a sloppy communicator, and self-serving—all things I can learn to appreciate, but not what I look for in a president. Of course, my alternative was Hillary Clinton, a woman I don’t believe to be trustworthy enough to run a lemonade stand and who could easily be described as all three of those negative things I attributed to Trump, as well as a whole lot more.