There is always a story behind every book. What made the author put pen to paper? What was the inspiration? I think that as a reader, knowing those things will give you a lot of value added to your purchase as well as your time invested into reading that work. So this is me telling you the inside scoop behind the hottest new e-book to hit the digital shelves at Amazon…

Humidity in the Deep South is no joke, and I was already sweating through my uniform. We had been shuffled around the 1st Ranger Battalion area of the base all afternoon, trying to be in processed whilst performing various feats of physical exercise. We were nervous. Any arrogance we acquired from the proud feeling of graduating RIP was gone. We were repeatedly reminded that we were not shit, and most of us would not last long enough to even see our first deployment. I saw one of my buddies get picked up by the throat because one of the team leaders thought he was staring at him. Sergeant “T” was not the guy you wanted to be staring at. I can’t speak for everyone who was there that day, but I can tell you that I immediately questioned myself and the choice I had made coming here.

Was I really good enough?

It was a daunting task ahead of us indeed. I didn’t know it at the time, but they were absolutely serious that many of us would not last. I still don’t know why they let me stick around as long as they did. But among us that day were some future bona fide heroes. One from our class, SSG Kevin Pape, would eventually make the ultimate sacrifice many years later as a squad leader leading his men through intense combat in Afghanistan. One thing we all had in common that first day in battalion was that none of us knew anything about what would be required of us.

That day we in-processed was a Friday, and before I was released for the weekend I was given a little green hard-cover notebook that contained page upon page of hand-scrawled notes on “Ranger Knowledge.” I was given the advice that it would behoove me to know that book cover to cover by Monday morning. It was a daunting task indeed, and I questioned the feasibility of learning and memorizing so much in one weekend. I did my best though, and knowing Ranger Knowledge would turn out to be one of my strong suits. I did well that following Monday morning, I did well through the hours of quizzing on my first deployment, and I did well on both the mock board and actual board for promotion to Sergeant.

Through all that time though, I always wondered the following questions:

  • Why is there no standard packet?
  • Why does every squad have different information?
  • Why are we not able to study this information prior to arrival at Batt.?

Fast forward a few years, and I had completed my fifth deployment and volunteered to go out on recruiting duty. My wife needed a break, and I would be lying if I said I wasn’t ready for a change of pace myself. It didn’t take long to see how much life as a Ranger had impacted me, and how much the leaders in charge of me had forever changed my life. It was with that in mind that I wanted to give back to the organization any way I could, and as a recruiter I figured that the very least I could do was send my buddies some squared away new Rangers. So I started a side program to prepare future Rangers, and would eventually include 18x’s into that as well. In retrospect, I would say that program had three basic tenets: mentorship, physical fitness, and Ranger Knowledge. I figured that those three things combined with the right individuals would produce many successful graduates of RASP. I was right, and we had well over an 80% graduation rate.

It was during the life of this program that the Ranger Knowledge book was born. I started with the packet that I had put together to study for my Sergeant’s promotion board. “Paul” was the first wannabe who I trained, and I’ll be honest, he would have been successful with or without me. He rocked a sub 30-minute five-mile time, was smart, and was definitely motivated.