On October 10, 680, Husain Ibn Ali, grandson of the prophet Muhammad, and a small band of followers were attacked at Karbala, in what is now Iraq, by a much larger force under the command of the reigning Caliph Yazid I. At stake was the leadership of the Islamic world. What ensued was less a battle than a slaughter. All of Husain’s supporters were killed. Seventy-two of them were beheaded.

Husain himself was, according to tradition, the last to fall. His corpse was then also decapitated, and his body trampled under horses so as to be unrecognizable. The day of his death has been celebrated ever since by the descendants of his followers, the Shia, as Ashura. It is a day of mourning and vows of retribution.

It has been 1336 years. It might as well have been yesterday.

Days ago, Qais Al-Khazaali, leader of the Shia militia Asaib Ahl al-Haq, vowed that the Iraqi offensive to retake the city of Mosul would be “revenge for the killing of Imam Husain.” The implication was clear. The attacking Iraqi force, excluding the Kurdish Peshmerga, is overwhelmingly Shia. Mosul is a predominately Sunni city populated in Shia eyes by the descendants of Yazid I, and thus sharing in his guilt.

Khazaali’s words expose the fiction that underlies this administration’s Iraq policy and the public relations lie being sold to the American people. According to that fantasy vision, we are in Iraq helping a united democratic government regain control of its sovereign territory and defeat ISIS, a dark, hostile, apocalyptic force. The attack on Mosul will crush ISIS once and for all and enable the Iraqis to move ahead with the task of rebuilding their shattered nation.

The truth is nowhere near as neat and clean. The reality is that we are in Iraq providing logistical support and air cover for a mixed bag of separate entities, all of whom have their own disparate agendas and all of whom have their own very distinct ideas of what Iraq will look like in the future. It’s still not certain if Iraq as we know it will continue to exist.

A very large number of these individuals are Shia members of a bewildering array of militia groups loosely classified as Popular Mobilization Units. Many of these militias are entirely creatures of the Iranians. The Asaib Ahl al-Haq was built from the ground up by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). Its leader, Khazaali, was recruited a decade ago by the Iranians during the American occupation of Iraq. Qasem Soleimani, commander of the Qods Force, has for years been in effective operational control of the activities of the Asaib Ahl al-Haq. It is no coincidence that Soleimani has been reported recently to be on the ground near Mosul.

The Obama administration continues to push the story that we are nearing the end of the war against ISIS in Iraq and that peace and prosperity lie ahead for the Iraqi people. As with the false narrative that the Iran nuclear deal made the world a safer place, the political dimensions of this story are obvious. The priorities are to send President Obama off into retirement with claim to a “legacy” of peace and to guarantee the election of his secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, as his successor.