The recent serious allegations of CNN broadcasting fake news aren’t new for the Atlanta-based cable network. On June 7, 1998, in an effort to compete with CBS’s popular 60 Minutes program, CNN launched a new program called NewsStand. It aired a story entitled “Valley of Death,” which alleged that 16 Green Berets and 120 indigenous troops on a top-secret mission deep inside Laos had destroyed a village, killed women and children, and had directed U.S. aircraft to drop lethal sarin nerve gas on U.S. war defectors. The next day, Time Magazine repeated the allegations in a news story headlined “Did the U.S. Drop Nerve Gas?” It was written by CNN Producer April Oliver and CNN International Correspondent Peter Arnett, who produced the CNN story that aired June 7.

The broadcast and Time article stemmed from one of the most successful operations conducted during the eight-year secret war in Laos during the Vietnam War, codenamed “Operation Tailwind”, run under the aegis of the Military Assistance Command Vietnam – Studies and Observations Group, or simply SOG.

Capt. Eugene McCarley is standing in the back of a CH-53D Marine Corps HMH-463 heavy-lift helicopter in September 1970, moments before launching into Laos on the top-secret mission Operation Tailwind. McCarley was the commanding officer of B Company Hatchet Force, based at the secret SOG compound in Kontum, Command and Control Central (CCC). On this mission, B Company had three platoons with a total of 16 Green Berets and 120 highly trained Montagnard indigenous troops.

It was conducted south of the Bolovens Plateau in southern Laos 47 years ago. Led by Green Beret Captain Eugene McCarley, 15 Green Berets and 120 Montagnard mercenaries executed a hair-raising, four-day mission deep inside enemy territory to take the pressure off of a CIA operation farther west in Laos dubbed Operation Gauntlet, with a diversionary operation along Highway 165 on the plateau made against the communist North Vietnamese Army (NVA). Operation Tailwind not only succeeded in diverting NVA assets and hundreds of soldiers from the CIA battlefield, but it netted one of the largest intelligence coups by a Green Beret team in the secret war’s history.

Operation Tailwind went down in the annals of SOG history as one of the most successful operations because of its unique nature and because it was conducted beyond the area routinely authorized for SOG operations in Laos. This was a success due in large part to the aggressive leadership of McCarley, a SOG veteran who had run SOG reconnaissance missions into Laos, and the relentless day-and-night air cover provided to the Green Berets by Air Force SPADs, F-4 Phantom jets, C-119K Stingers, C-130E Spectre gunships, forward air controllers, Marine Corps Cobra gunships, and heavy transport CH-53D Sikorsky helicopters. In 2015, SOFREP produced a six-part series on Operation Tailwind that focused on the valor of the men involved in the secret mission.

Green Berets who served on the secret mission from Sept. 11 – 14, 1970, members of the Air Force and Marine Corps, and Army aviators who flew in support of Operation Tailwind, told SOFREP that when they were initially interviewed by CNN, they were told the story would focus on the mission, but often the reporters would raise questions about the use of sarin gas and if they had killed women, children, and American war defectors.

“CNN, when faced with an amazing story of courage, daring, and military success, maligned the brave soldiers, Marines, and airmen who brilliantly fought the assigned mission against staggering odds,” said Houston-based attorney Jim Moriarty, a Vietnam veteran who served three tours of duty with Marine Corps aviation, which included supporting missions across the fence into Laos. “CNN chose to invent their preconceived narrative, one utterly lacking in credible evidence. And CNN worked hard to avoid reporting on the credible evidence that showed no use of sarin nerve gas nor any intent to kill American defectors…CNN ignored its in-house military advisor.”

Retired Air Force Major General Perry Smith was that highly regarded military analyst Moriarty referred to. Smith had been on retainer by CNN since the Persian Gulf War in August, 1990. He had authored a book titled “How CNN Fought The War – A View From The Inside,” which told how CNN’s 24-hour coverage of the Persian Gulf War set new standards for war correspondence, and how he was highly respected for his work there and as an Air Force fighter pilot and commander of airmen. Smith detailed in his book how CNN reporters were in Baghdad on January 16, 1991 when U.S. airstrikes commenced, reflecting on how the cable network quickly surpassed ABC, CBS, and NBC with its 24-hours-a-day war coverage, complete with reports from on the ground in Baghdad.

Smith only learned about the “Valley of Death” story the Wednesday before it aired on CNN on June 7, 1998. “I found out on Wednesday…I did a little research. I talked to April Oliver and Jack Smith; I told them that couldn’t happen. I told them the Air Force wouldn’t use nerve gas. It was against our rules of engagement. I tried very hard to stop it. But they had done promos on it and they had hired Rick Kaplan to kick up the ratings, so he thought they had a really juicy story…I felt sick to my stomach watching it when it aired.”