For me, the patriotic songs of Toby Keith are among the most motivational ‘Merica music in existence today. Keith’s willingness to put out lyrics that are heartfelt rather than politically correct is a refreshing change to today’s woke environment that sees good as evil and evil as righteous. Through his music, Toby Keith reminds us that it is both okay to be proud of our nation and to actively dislike those who wish to do it harm. These are, in my opinion, the top five Toby Keith patriotic songs.

1. ‘American Soldier’

Keith hits the American soldier at their roots with this song’s intro. Most people I have ever met in the military weren’t seeking glory or fame, but instead had the simple desire to be the best husband/father they could be while also willingly serving their country. Keith’s lyrics encapsulate this perfectly.

Later in the song, Keith conveys the soldier’s psyche that shows that they don’t want to die: they’d rather live on, enjoy, and support their family. But as American Soldier says “but if dyin’s asked of me I’ll bear that cross with honor ’cause freedom don’t come free.”

American military members don’t want to die. Yet, because they love America so much, they’d make the ultimate sacrifice if it meant we could continue living in freedom and peace.

Toby Keith painting
(Created by Wayne Brezinka/The Washington Post)

2. ‘Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue (The Angry American)’

This hit song begins with lyrics that touch nearly every American wherever they are.

Keith wrote this song in the days following 9/11 when American pride, unity, and righteous anger were strong inside us all.

Whether East or West coast-raised or a farm-fed country boy from the midwest, most in America have a family member who is serving or has served in the Armed Forces. Many of them were part of the Greatest Generation and valiantly fought for the freedoms we enjoy today. Many of those men and women were proud from the day they graduated basic training to the day they met with eternity.

Keith admits the terrorists gave us a “big black eye” on 9/11, but he further conveys America’s resilience following the attacks, and its resolve to ensure something similar doesn’t happen again. Keith’s use of American symbology such as Uncle Sam, the Statue of Liberty, and the eagle cause the listener to access a greater depth of American pride. Then, in perhaps the most infamous line of the song, Keith says that our response to the attacks will be that “We’ll put a boot in your ass, it’s the America way!” Hoorah!