Tora Bora. We didn’t get Bin Laden because we couldn’t.

WHAT!!! I thought we didn’t get Bin Laden because we mistakenly trusted the Afghans to do what they had promised, and we ignored very competent men on the ground who wanted to commit available US forces to the rear of Tora Bora to block Bin Laden’s escape.

Nope. The problem with that narrative is much of the evidence that Bin Laden was at Tora Bora is based on what we learned only AFTER the fight was over.

If hindsight was really a way to make decisions, we’d all be lottery winners. Historical context is also pretty important when trying to understand why a decision is made and avoid bad ones in the future. Secondly, it ignores the real world realities of what it takes to put men on the ground. Unlike the movies, in combat, the cavalry doesn’t arrive in the nick of time. Guns run out of bullets and the good guys sometimes lose.

This article is going to make some people very angry because it forces them to reconsider what they’ve been told by popular media for a decade. Have an open mind. My goal is not to argue the politics of Tora Bora, but the truth on the ground in Afghanistan, what was KNOWN at the time, and what was militarily possible.

The truth is we didn’t get Bin Laden at Tora Bora because we made a conscious and very effective decision to go into Afghanistan light. Peter Feaver (National Security Council member) said it best. “The U.S. invasion of Afghanistan succeeded because of the ‘light’ approach used. Losing OBL at Tora Bora was the price of that light approach. We had Bin Laden within reach at Tora Bora precisely because we were willing to try the very light-footprint approach.”

Compounding the brilliant unconventional warfare approach to Afghanistan is the fact we had a five-day window to catch Bin Laden.(1) We didn’t have the aircraft. We didn’t have the troops. We didn’t have the logistics (fuel, FARPs and ability to mass troops). We didn’t have the time to decide, plan, resource and execute. Finally, we didn’t have the conclusive evidence to change any of the above.

It is not debatable that Bin Laden was at Tora Bora. That is a fact confirmed AFTER the battle was over from interrogations of captured Al Qaeda. How awesome would it be to play the lottery knowing the winning numbers before the drawing? It’s a wonder we all aren’t millionaires! Those that press the narrative that we missed Bin Laden at Tora Bora do so in the glow of hindsight and an over enthusiastic estimation of our capabilities.