When the Air Force and Boeing launched the KC-46 Pegasus program, the 412th Test Wing was tagged as one of the prime players in testing and validation of the aircraft.

Named the Air Force’s Responsible Test Organization, the 412th TW had to supply aircraft and a support crew for testing at Boeing Field International Airport in Seattle.

According to Lt. Col. Jennifer Barnard, the deputy commander of the 412th Maintenance Group, supporting the KC-46 with three dedicated F-16 Fighting Falcons creates a support deficit at Edwards Air Force Base where the remaining F-16 aircraft and support personnel do not have the capacity to meet the current workload.

Barnard was part of a team that started briefing Maj. Gen. Michael Brewer, the 412th TW commander, last spring about potential solutions in Washington state.

“There was a lot of doubt as to whether or not this would be successful,” she said.

One solution was to ask for support from the Air National Guard and the Air Force Reserve.

Barnard said they asked the Air Force for 7,300 military personnel appropriation (MPA) days. The Air Force agreed, basically authorizing Edwards AFB with 20 Guard or Reserve maintainers per day for fiscal year 2016.

According to Maj. Lena Freienmuth, the KC-46 test and F-16 support air reserve component coordinator, an MPA day is basically a Guard or Reserve workday. “We use it to put people on orders.”