We are shocked by the barbaric treatment of women and children by ISIS, and in Taliban-controlled areas of Afghanistan and Pakistan, and yet we still have traces of barbarism in how we treat fellow human beings in our own society. A short time ago in America, if you were a woman or African-American you didn’t have the same personal liberties as a white male living in America. And as I’m writing this WordPress doesn’t even recognize transgenders as a word in the plural form, it gets highlighted in red confusion.

I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. -MLK

A great quote by Martin Luther King however, I’d add “by the color of their skin or gender, but by the content of their character.

When I served from 1993-2006 as a Navy SEAL, you couldn’t openly serve in the military if you were gay. It was the period of DADT (Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell). Some people may say that DADT worked, but it was an excuse to ignore the obvious. I had several friends in the Navy who were silently gay, it really didn’t bother me.

One thing I’ve always appreciated about the Special Operations community is the forward-thinking and the pure meritocracy of the community. The majority of guys I know really don’t care about someone’s sexual orientation, they don’t have time for it. Can you do your job, and can you do it well? That’s the simplicity of the situation to me when it comes to the subject of Transgenders serving openly in the military.

They’ve been serving with distinction (although in secret) for years, just as Gays did before DADT was repealed in 2010. My friend Brett Jones, a BUD/S classmate of mine, was forced out of the Navy for being gay. Brett is a solid guy who I still keep in touch with on Facebook, and I would have served downrange with him any day, no question about it. His separation was ultimately America’s loss, and now we’re closing out more good people that want to volunteer their service because of the current discrimination against the transgender community. Just look at Beck and the new CNN film Lady Valor.

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Why is this?