My friend Navy SEAL Chris Kyle, author of American Sniper, rightfully punched Jesse Ventura (Yes he was a UDT and considered a SEAL) in the mouth for being disrespectful to family of a fallen teammate. Everyone in our community knows Jesse got popped and is wondering when the hoax will end. All the SEALs I’ve talked to past and present, myself included, are still scratching their heads with Jesse’s apparent departure from the reservation of sanity. He’s off it and charging around like a wild-eyed UFO chaser.
To make matters worse for Jesse, I personally know that the family and the management of McP’s in Coronado are testifying on Chris’s behalf. I believe there’s around a dozen people who have come forward.
I hope Jesse finds a moment of sanity to realize he’s not on WWF Wrestling talking trash, this is real and he’s facing consequences that in my opinion will further discredit him (INSANITY PLEA) into the nothingness of Baja’s East Cape. Jesse has a house in Mexico’s Baja Peninsula and spends a lot of time down there these days.
East Cape Map: Jesse Has A Place Near La Fortuna
I have a little insight into this community because my own father (he’s Canadian) lives on the East Cape during the winter months. It’s quite beautiful with great fishing and better surfing.
I visited more than a few times and can tell you that it houses a community of Expats that is a blend of successful retirees, hippies, and small time criminals. Most full time residents that I’ve run into are hard core Liberals and like to bad talk the U.S. Government. I find it ironic that when they face health issues they’re off and running for the next flight to the USA. So Jesse is in good company.
As he continues his media death spiral Jesse is pushing hard to discredit my friend Chris. Not going to happen Jesse and I don’t care what nonsense you and Alex Jones put out. Chris has integrity and the truth on his side.
Jone’s recently published a piece on his site Infowars that seems to support Chris’s case further once you did into it and fact check. See the story with my comments in bold.
Jesse Ventura Gets Backing Of Former SEALs In Lawsuit Over “Punch” Hoax
Former Governor of Minnesota Jesse Ventura’s lawsuit against Navy SEAL Chris Kyle over Kyle’s claims that he punched Ventura in a bar for insulting a dead U.S. soldier has gone to court, with Ventura receiving the backing of several prominent former SEALs (names please?) who affirm the incident never happened.
Kyle claimed that he met Ventura in a bar in Coronado in 2006 while Ventura was in town to speak to a new class of SEAL graduates at nearby Naval Amphibious Base Coronado. Also present were family members holding a wake for Michael Mansoor, one of the first SEALs killed in Iraq. Kyle claims Ventura began loudly objecting to the war in Iraq before calling the troops “murderers” and saying “we deserved to lose a few guys”. (I’ve heard this account directly from Chris Kyle and believe him 100%).
Kyle then claims he punched Ventura, knocked him to the floor, and quickly ran away.
One of those ex-SEALs is Ventura’s former instructor, the widely respected Terry “Mother” Moy, owner of the bar where the incident is alleged to have occurred. The bar in question is McP’s and is actually owned by former SEAL Greg McPartlin. I’ve met Greg and he’s a good guy. I spoke with his daughter yesterday who works there and she agrees that Jesse is quite the kook and supports Chris’s story. I don’t know who Moy is but he isn’t the owner (screen shot below). Bullshit journalism at it’s finest…
After investigating the incident, Moy and his fellow SEALs (Names please) confirmed that the event never took place and that Kyle had invented it to generate publicity for his book.
An added reason for their support of Ventura is the fact that they are sick of seeing Navy SEALs stab each other in the back for profit, the former Governor of Minnesota told Infowars. I agree that it’s sad that it’s a shame when guys from the community back stab, but this incident seemed unavoidable due to the nature of Chris’s book, and that he rightfully punched someone famous who was running their suck at the expense of a family who had just lost a loved one.
Oh, even though I think you’ve lost your marbles I still enjoy your work in Predator ;).
See you at the SEAL reunion this year Jesse, it should be interesting…
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