London, Great Britain—The UK police are planning for civil unrests in the event there isn’t a deal on Brexit.

A leaked police document predicts that a no-deal on Brexit would create food, medical, and power shortages in Britain. The document prepared by the National Police Coordination Centre (NPCC) concludes that such an event would most probably trigger civil disorder. To counter such a grim scenario, the document states that law enforcement officers would not be allowed to take leave close to the date of withdrawal.

According to the current plan of British Prime Minister Theresa May, the UK is set to depart from the European Union (EU) this upcoming March.

“I’m glad the police and other experts are looking into this and thinking what might happen in a no-deal scenario,” said Sajid Javid, the British Home Secretary.

Although he explicitly stated that he doesn’t expect such a scenario, he stressed the need to be “prepared for all contingencies.”

The document, furthermore, discusses the possibility of military involvement in case the Police cannot handle the situation. As opposed to America, the British military can intervene domestically if the occasion mandates it—the famous Iranian Embassy hostage rescue by the SAS, and their response to the recent terrorist attacks in Manchester and London, are good examples of this policy. In the U.S., on the other hand, Delta Force wouldn’t have been able to do the same.

The Police are also worried that a no-deal would create communication and traffic issues.

“At this stage, we have no intelligence to suggest there will be an increase in crime or disorder. However, we remain vigilant and will continue to assess any threats and develop plans accordingly,” said Chief Constable Charlie Hall, operations officer for the National Police Chiefs’ Council.
He added, “The police are planning for all scenarios that may require a police response in the event of a no-deal Brexit.”