Russian officials claim the Ukrainians attacked one of their major Russian refineries near the Russia-Ukraine border last Wednesday. The oil refinery was reportedly in flames, with smoke rising to the skies as the facility continued to burn. The refinery was located in Rostov, Russia, just 3 miles from the border.

The first drone attacked the facility at 0540 GMT, targeting a crude distillation unit. A second drone targetted and blasted natural oil reservoirs within the oil refinery at 0623 GMT.

“As a result of terrorist actions from the western border of the Rostov region, two unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) attacked the technical facilities [of the oil refinery],” Novoshakhtinsk officials said.

Nobody was injured or killed in the attack, but a large portion of the refinery was destroyed, rendering several parts non-functional. According to Rostov Regional Governor Vasily Golubev, the plant suspended production indefinitely.